How to set Nadal Stats to 100% ?

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How to set Nadal Stats to 100% ?

Postby ian411 » 03 Feb 2009, 01:04

Hi i just wanted to know is there anyway that nadal could have a 100 overall for every stat in world tour and if so how could i do this?

Re: Nadal Stats

Postby manutoo » 03 Feb 2009, 04:03


you can change his RankPerYear, and set it to 1.15 ; 1 means he'll be n°1 in the world, and .15 that he'll get a +15% at his average strength ; the normal average strength being 85% for the n°1, giving +15% should make it quite close of 100% in all skills. And for the 4 special mental skills, set them directly to 100%.

More explanation in this topic : topic11-953.php .
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