Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby manutoo » 01 Dec 2014, 04:54

did you set the VictoryCup value for each tournament in your Tour.ini ?
/WT_Intern/TrnNum :
0 => Country Cup
1 => Masters Cup
-1 => all other tournaments
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby antimouse » 01 Dec 2014, 18:25

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no, I didn't lol :D
I thought it was some variable that was already kept updated by the engine.
Now it works! Thanks! :)
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby antimouse » 19 Dec 2014, 10:40


Sorry to bother you again, I thought it was all working, but there is still a minor issue with the code you suggested in your answer to suvurvius. The Victory screen displays correctly, but when I click the Done button to return to the tournament draw screen, it doesn't work. It pops up an error message (Bug #371 - Data invalid - Please, reinstall the game) and closes the application. Well, I imagine the problem lies in this piece of code:

Code: Select all
//===== Back
   Image Ico/Done 48 48
   Pos 635 475 Right Bottom


Since we are coming from a match, and not from another menu screen, I'm guessing MenuBack might not make sense. However, I tried using MenuRestore, ImportWorldTour, combination of both, and other things I saw in other files and Menu.doc, but nothing seemed to work. I even tried opening the menu BoardDraw directly, but then it doesn't update the tournament information (and don't change the music from victory screen to menu screen, either). So, what am I missing?

Thanks in advance for all your patience :)
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby manutoo » 20 Dec 2014, 04:44

ooops, sorry, I don't know how I managed to do that, but I forgot 1 line before the MenuBack, here the correct OnAction :
Code: Select all
      SetCfg /WT_Intern/Victory 1
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby antimouse » 21 Dec 2014, 13:41

Now it works great!
Thanks again :)
My courts here: topic29-15848.php
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby cj1984 » 04 Aug 2016, 16:32

Just for confirmation: I finish my first World Tour season soon. I made some changes to the Tour.ini since start of season 1. The game will load the updated version when season changes? That would be great :)
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby manutoo » 05 Aug 2016, 08:46

== Mana Games ==

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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby YJCB » 14 Aug 2016, 10:49

Do you have any of the outfits?
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby felipe16 » 29 May 2018, 21:41


I had a problem with the tour, until 2014 the dates of the tournaments are delayed.

that is, for example, the Australian Open on touratp2014.ini (which is the last tour per year that I have) and touratp.ini appear in week 3, but in the game appears in week 2 until 2014, from 2015 onwards it appears well ( in the week 3).

what can be??
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby Daniel Silva » 29 May 2018, 22:34

felipe16 wrote:hello,

I had a problem with the tour, until 2014 the dates of the tournaments are delayed.

that is, for example, the Australian Open on touratp2014.ini (which is the last tour per year that I have) and touratp.ini appear in week 3, but in the game appears in week 2 until 2014, from 2015 onwards it appears well ( in the week 3).

what can be??

Are you corrected Memphis?? In 2014 Memphis changed to ATP250 instead ATP500.
Daniel Silva
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby Daniel Silva » 06 Jul 2018, 15:09


Firstly, I apologize for reviving this post so old. I'm trying to do my own victory screen, accordingly your advice below.

antimouse wrote:Manu,

I'm reviving this topic because I just tried what you mentioned above, but it didn't work. /WT_Intern/VictoryCup has value 1 (why?) and /WT_Intern/TrnNum is always -1, so I can't use it to select image. I used the following code:

Code: Select all
item Victory01
   CycleButton #ImageGI
   Image Bg/Trophies/Cincinnati 640 480
   Pos 320 240 Center Center
   Font Bg
      SlideCfg /WT_Intern/VictoryCup 0 100
   ShowIfNot /WT_Intern/TrnNum -1 0   

And in global.def:

Code: Select all
item Victory35       // 35 is the number of the tournament
   Image Bg/Trophies/Halle 640 480

manutoo wrote:antimouse,
did you set the VictoryCup value for each tournament in your Tour.ini ?
/WT_Intern/TrnNum :
0 => Country Cup
1 => Masters Cup
-1 => all other tournaments

But it doesn't work. Only appear a black picture. My wt_victory
item Victory01
CycleButton #ImageGI

Image Bg/Trophies/AustralianOpen 640 480
Pos 320 240 Center Center
Font Bg


SlideCfg /WT_Intern/VictoryCup 0 100

ShowIfNot /WT_Intern/TrnNum -1 0

And my global.def
======== VictoryCup Screen
item Victory006 // 006 is the number of the tournament
Image Bg/Trophies/AustralianOpen 640 480

I know that I have to set the VictoryCup value for each tournament in your Tour.ini, but I don't know If I did it correctly.
In my opinion, I have to change this line: SlideCfg /WT_Intern/VictoryCup 0 100 to SlideCfg /WT_Intern/VictoryCup 006 100
But it doesn't work.

What am I doing wrong??

P.S. 006 is the number of tournament in Tour.ini

Daniel Silva
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Re: Available TourAtp.ini Files from 1973 to now

Postby TheNieves2000 » 11 Apr 2021, 20:51

hey bro sorry to bother you, i check your post in 2014 about the atptour.ini and you say in a ps that, you have vintage players in your player.ini, if you don´t mind, you still have that player.ini? and if you do, could you share it with me? thanks for read this man.
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