My player went "on holiday"!! + Adding Players in the Tour

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My player went "on holiday"!! + Adding Players in the Tour

Postby martindelp » 16 Nov 2008, 19:48

Hi Manu, first of all I have to say it's a fantastic game you have created. It's a lot better than TE2006 although I would have liked more to have the actual 1-1000 rankings rather than the miscellanous compilation from past and present but that's just a minor detail.

However, I was playing the World Tour and decided to play the Davis Cup (with Mexico), however the captain didn't select me because my ranking was too low. Fair enough. A week passed and I had to choose my tournament again and I went bak to the Davis Cup frm that screen to saw how my country did without me hehe. However when I clicked on it, it asked me again if I wanted to choose singles or doubles, I thought the captain might had reconsidered hehe and chose singles, and from then on I couldn't play any more tournaments!! I assume the computer is waiting for next year's Davis Cup to let me play, but I don't want to let a year go by. Can you help me?

Cheers and thanks

Re: My player went "on holiday"!!

Postby manutoo » 17 Nov 2008, 07:16


I'm not sure what u mean about "miscellaneous compilation from past and present", but if u mean about the fictional players using name from past players, then it's really needed to save memory & space in the saved games...

>> Davis Cup
From ur explanation, it seems u clicked on the "Davis Cup" from the "Tournament Selection" screen thinking it'll lead to its draw, no..? :?
If yes, then it's normal that the game engine is bringing u to next year...

Now, your only option is to load a previously automatically saved game (if you didn't disable this option).
== Mana Games ==

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Re: My player went "on holiday"!!

Postby martindelp » 18 Nov 2008, 00:01

Thanks for the tip. About the players, yes, that's what I meant, and I understand perfectly, it's just that, as a Mexican, I would have liked to have the real Mexican players on the circuit with thier actual (approximate) rankings as bad as they are hahaha. Is there any way for me to do it manually?

Re: My player went "on holiday"!!

Postby manutoo » 18 Nov 2008, 04:47


Oh ok, I understand better ur concern now..! ;)

So u have 2 ways to do that.
Both require u to edit the files "Data\Players.*.Ini" ( * = ATP for Men, and WTA for Women).

1st way = u find some players in the base that play about the same year that the Mexican players u want, and then u change their name & nationality ; this method doesn't need u to start over ur game, but it may give trouble if u remove too much players from a country playing the Davis Cup.

2nd way = u add all the Mexican players at the end of the base ; it'll invalidate ur game, and u'll have to start a new one. Also, u'll have more than 1000 players / year (it's not a problem for the engine, but it means some players will have difficulties to play enough tournaments in the year).

Information about editing the player bases, can be found in the file "Data\HowToMod.html", and in this topic : topic11-953.php .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: My player went "on holiday"!! + Adding Players in the Tour

Postby martindelp » 18 Nov 2008, 13:36

Great! Thanks!

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