New way to install Mods with TE2013 v1.0a !

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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Re: New way to install Mods with TE2013 v1.0a !

Postby snimalica » 08 Apr 2017, 12:39

I don't know, i'm doing something wrong, on startup it says Ultimate Atp 2016 like in Maxou patch, but i have menu from ITST mod..
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 07 Apr 2017, 17:28

Re: New way to install Mods with TE2013 v1.0a !

Postby snimalica » 08 Apr 2017, 13:13

Ok, i did it somehow, thanks!!
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 07 Apr 2017, 17:28

Re: New way to install Mods with TE2013 v1.0a !

Postby Serena Williams » 11 Jun 2017, 12:21

Could someone help me out with this? I don't want to install a full Mod just add some clothes and rackets.From my understanding i should simply create a subfolder in the Mods Folder and for my situation it would be enough to add a pak03 file there? But how would i do that? i tried copying the pak01 and renaming it to pak03 but didnt work.Anyone know what i am doing wrong?


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Serena Williams
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