Tour Stats

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Tour Stats

Postby manutoo » 05 Mar 2010, 05:16

woh, looks the number of topics & posts for 2007, 2008 & 2009 ..! :shock:
If the raise goes on like this, we'll have 515 topics & 120'000 posts for the Tour 2010... ':D (ok, if the Tour 2010 is just equal to the Tour 2009, it'll be good enough ;) )
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tour Stats

Postby TTennisfan » 06 Mar 2010, 22:51

yes and don't forget we started the 2008 season in April. the tour keep growing
Record 09(singles): 28-15 Record 09(doubles): 1-2
Best result (09) :
S.F: Newport,

Record 2008: 44-13
Best result (08):
F:Rome, Roland Garros, Bangkok, Vienna, Madrid, Shanghai
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Messages: 1400
Gaming Since: 26 Nov 2007, 04:01
Location: Canada

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