Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

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Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Togtdyalttai » 05 Sep 2009, 20:41

Time to apply your players for the semifinals! You have until Sunday, September 13th (the day of the US Open final) to do so.

Here are the rules:
Fair mode (Simulation)
Best of 5 sets
Surface: Croatia vs. Brachilombia: Grass, France vs. Hungary : Blue-Green Cement

Team: USA
1st Singles: Togtdyalttai
2nd Singles: Yugioh
Doubles: Zuzana Ondraskova

Note: The doubles player may be the same as either singles player, but the 1st singles player may not be the same as the 2nd singles player. The second two singles matches will be played, if necessary, after the first 3 matches are complete and if one team has not already won all 3 matches.
2010 Singles: 66-10 (no wo (4))
2010 Doubles: 21-11
2009 Singles: 105-14 (no WO (6))
2009 Doubles: 11-8
Best Results:
'10: W: AO, Miami, Casa, Barca, Rome, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cincy
'09: W: 13 including Rome, Madrid, RG, Wimby, Cincy, USO
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby tati cornet » 10 Sep 2009, 22:01

team france
1st single: tati cornet
2nd single: kyuuji
doubles: r nadal
tati cornet
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby amelie mauresmo » 11 Sep 2009, 14:16

Hungary: (I know i am not the captian of the team but who knows) :P
But i wirte the team here:
singles 1: Adrian Mannarino
singles 2: Amélie Mauresmo
doubles: Krisztian Jakab
F: Lyon, Basel
W: Doubles WTF,
W: Doha, Australian Open
amelie mauresmo
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby jhon-dim » 11 Sep 2009, 17:22

Hola Algo, solo queria avisarte que para mi es imposible jugar la copa davis, he tenido una serie de problemas, en este momento yo estoy trabajando en una cpu muy pero muy limitada, donde el juego no se desarrolla en condiciones normales y me es imposible jugar, esto es problema de tarjeta de video de esta nueva cpu, debido a que la cpu en la yo acostumbraba jugar era de mi hermano, y el decidio irse de la casa, por lo que tuve en este momento estoy trabajando en una cpu super mala....

mi ultimo torneo fue en cincinati, porque despues de este, debido a esa situacion, tampoco jugue en montreal y me perdi inclusive el US OPEN... yo lo siento mucho porque a mi me gustaba jugar la copa davis, tu podrias hablar con Max Botti yo pienso que tu junto a el pueden hacer un buen equipo contra croacia....les deseo muy buena suerte1!!
Rojo Hasta El Cajón!
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Santiago92 » 11 Sep 2009, 18:05

Jhon, espero que puedas recuperar tu máquina y vuelvas pronto al circuito, es una lástima que no estés jugando :(

Algo, si quieres yo te puedo ayudar en el equipo de Davis, en singles soy horrible pero en el dobles -si me necesitas- podés contar conmigo.
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby tati cornet » 11 Sep 2009, 18:24

verdad santiago es bueno en dobles, pero no me gustan sus "lobs" :fear:
tati cornet
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Santiago92 » 11 Sep 2009, 19:19

tati cornet wrote:verdad santiago es bueno en dobles, pero no me gustan sus "lobs" :fear:

Si quieres me compro otros, jajajajaja :P
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby amelie mauresmo » 11 Sep 2009, 20:06

pls this forum is english pls write in english... :evil:
I think JHON-DIM wont play and Algo must have another player to the team...pls write these all in english!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
F: Lyon, Basel
W: Doubles WTF,
W: Doha, Australian Open
amelie mauresmo
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 521
Gaming Since: 02 Jan 2009, 15:46

Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Algo » 11 Sep 2009, 21:12

I saw that coming, I have my options(mainly it was ¿?MEX and Matchpoint, but Santiago'd make a great doubles) so I'll talk with the people I have to and tomorrow or tonight I'll make the players application

pd: I guess the team name's gonna change as there will not be any Colombian or Brazilian(if Max B still doesn't want to play as he told me the last time) :whistle:
pd2: Espero que vuelvas pronto al tour JHON-DIM
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Togtdyalttai » 11 Sep 2009, 21:21

Algo wrote:I saw that coming, I have my options(mainly it was ¿?MEX and Matchpoint, but Santiago'd make a great doubles) so I'll talk with the people I have to and tomorrow or tonight I'll make the players application

pd: I guess the team name's gonna change as there will not be any Colombian or Brazilian(if Max B still doesn't want to play as he told me the last time) :whistle:
pd2: Espero que vuelvas pronto al tour JHON-DIM

I give up, it's just going to be South America now. Please don't take anyone from North America :annoyed:
2010 Singles: 66-10 (no wo (4))
2010 Doubles: 21-11
2009 Singles: 105-14 (no WO (6))
2009 Doubles: 11-8
Best Results:
'10: W: AO, Miami, Casa, Barca, Rome, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cincy
'09: W: 13 including Rome, Madrid, RG, Wimby, Cincy, USO
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Algo » 11 Sep 2009, 21:55

Togtdyalttai wrote:I give up, it's just going to be South America now. Please don't take anyone from North America :annoyed:

then I guess I'll have to have Santiago and Matchpoint only because Mexico is North America as far as I know :lol:
Tour Mod.

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If you don't send me a PM or DM, you might see your chances reduced. Inform me about anything that might have gone on with your matches BEFORE deadlines, otherwise, decisions won't be changed.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Togtdyalttai » 11 Sep 2009, 21:58

Algo wrote:then I guess I'll have to have Santiago and Matchpoint only because Mexico is North America as far as I know :lol:

Costa Rica's in North America too :thinking:
2010 Singles: 66-10 (no wo (4))
2010 Doubles: 21-11
2009 Singles: 105-14 (no WO (6))
2009 Doubles: 11-8
Best Results:
'10: W: AO, Miami, Casa, Barca, Rome, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cincy
'09: W: 13 including Rome, Madrid, RG, Wimby, Cincy, USO
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Algo » 11 Sep 2009, 22:14

Togtdyalttai wrote:Costa Rica's in North America too :thinking:

isn't it Center America?
I was taught there was North, Center and South America, so if it's only North America that I can't choose from, Costa Rica is eligible, isn't it?
Tour Mod.

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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Togtdyalttai » 11 Sep 2009, 22:20

Algo wrote:isn't it Center America?
I was taught there was North, Center and South America, so if it's only North America that I can't choose from, Costa Rica is eligible, isn't it?

Central America's part of North America. :wink:
2010 Singles: 66-10 (no wo (4))
2010 Doubles: 21-11
2009 Singles: 105-14 (no WO (6))
2009 Doubles: 11-8
Best Results:
'10: W: AO, Miami, Casa, Barca, Rome, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cincy
'09: W: 13 including Rome, Madrid, RG, Wimby, Cincy, USO
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Semifinals: Player Applications

Postby Algo » 11 Sep 2009, 22:32

ok, these are the players

Singles 1: Algo (Chile)
Singles 2: Vika Azarenka (Brazil)
Doubles: Santiago92 (Argentina)

quite a good team, I have confidence for the match :applause:
Tour Mod.

Tour issues by PM or Discord
If you don't send me a PM or DM, you might see your chances reduced. Inform me about anything that might have gone on with your matches BEFORE deadlines, otherwise, decisions won't be changed.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 11 May 2008, 20:17
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