Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Moderators: NESXA, Mystery, JiJo, M.Khalil Guedria

Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Postby Algo » 08 Nov 2015, 17:35


The Official Topic with all your matches will come out on Monday 24th November. DO NOT PLAY ANY MATCHES BEFORE THAT DATE, as they should and will not count.

Serbia - Egypt

Surface Selection
The following country will need to choose a playing surface before Sunday 23rd November:

** If surface isn't chosen in time by them, the matches will be played on Blue-Green Cement. **

Player selection
Please select your players into the following positions

Team: Australia
1st Singles: Maria Sharapova
2nd Singles: LetsGoBro
Doubles: Maria Sharapova

Note: The doubles player may be the same as either singles player, but the 1st singles player may not be the same as the 2nd singles player. The second two singles matches will be played, if necessary, after the first 3 matches are complete and if one team has not already won all 3 matches. Reverse singles player may not be the same either.

If you want to sub in a player, said player will have to have been selected in the Applications topic.
No other player will be allowed to play.

Good luck everyone!
Tour Mod.

Tour issues by PM or Discord
If you don't send me a PM or DM, you might see your chances reduced. Inform me about anything that might have gone on with your matches BEFORE deadlines, otherwise, decisions won't be changed.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Postby NESXA » 23 Nov 2015, 22:34

Team: Serbia
1st Singles: ShoNe
2nd Singles: Maryanucci
Doubles: ShoNe
RANKING: CURRENT (BEST) -----> S: No.5 (No.2) -----> D: N/A (No.1)
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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DC Finals

Postby Heinrich » 26 Nov 2015, 09:21

Thrilling finals. :roll:

Kind regards,
Heinrich von Westphalen.
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tennis enthusiastic
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Re: Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Postby Sampreas » 28 Nov 2015, 15:17

Due to fact that Egypt didn't confirm team nor they inform mods about anything, Serbia gets w.o.
Winner of DC 2015 is Serbia!
Tour Mod
All Tour issues by skype and PM.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Postby Maryanucci » 28 Nov 2015, 21:59

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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Davis Cup Final (Players and surface selection)

Postby NESXA » 28 Nov 2015, 23:07

Sampreas wrote:Due to fact that Egypt didn't confirm team nor they inform mods about anything, Serbia gets w.o.
Winner of DC 2015 is Serbia!

Anyway, we are the best. :D
RANKING: CURRENT (BEST) -----> S: No.5 (No.2) -----> D: N/A (No.1)
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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