E=mc2 wrote:LOL seems like you are really annoyed....posting about each and every comment of mine....just a fan-boy
anyways i won't waste anymore time on disproving your superstitious belief of thinking that i discovered something. Btw everyone knew that i posted a fake picture and i said its about trolling....please don't care too much on proving that i am wrong like "Danny lags crap.. lol". You travel in space, so please comeback to Earth to know what a "Discovery" means! FYI i was laughing at your insult and should i be hurt by your insults?? haha you must be over-assuming
Well i know the difference between sarcasm and honesty. So you are lying yourself if you said that you didn't insult in a sarcastic way. I have seen hundreds of people like you. Just a pity i laugh at them
@ Nigogu...So true
I expected a nice comeback brah, u disappoint me

Go take lessons from Old Stajus, he might teach u how to troll properly on forum if u can entertain him for a while

Love ya <3
omgpopfan2011 wrote:vamos rafa, is it all because he posted a picture faster than ur connection. u jealous? no need to discourage people who gives tips. get a break
I am trolling mate, its off topic so its all fun and games

Nigogu wrote:A new troll has born.
Well I will take it as a compliment I guess.