World Tour : tips to start a career ?

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World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby KiraNerys » 25 May 2024, 21:54

I have the xbox version and tried to play today but I think I messed up my character creation and couldn't win any points. It's my first time playing since 2011 version. My player was vastly outmatched in skills versus the opponent.

I chose to add the XKT mod.

    1) Is is easier to play with a known player, eg Roger Federer, over creating your own player?
    2) I made the mistake of not changing any skills because I didn't know what to do with them. They are all default at 20%. I assume I can't just make them all 100% straight away so what is best to set them to? I assume I need to pick a few to upgrade?
    3) The game suggested starting as Pro as a beginner to the game but I see you often recommend starting at club level so for a newbie, what is best?
    4) What is the easiest tournament to start with?
    5) I found I had no speed to get to the opponents returns fast enough. I assume this is skill based?

Thanks for any advice.
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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby manutoo » 26 May 2024, 06:18


1) It's the same as you'll get the same amount of points to distribute, but if you pick a player, the initial distribution will match the player's skills in the base (which are not necessarily realistic)

2) You should favor : Forehand, Service, Speed, Muscle Tone, and keep Stamina not too far behind (especially if you see your Energy going down too fast during the matches)

3) I'd recommend starting on the Pro Tour at the Club-10 level ; starting on the Junior Tour means a lot more grinding to reach the top level events, and you won't be able to favor too much the skills above. Thus said, I've read someone saying it was easier to learn the game on the Junior Tour because everything was slower, so your mileage may vary. :)

4) Future tournaments. Pick the one last one for each week, as it's always the weakest tournament.

5) Yes, raise your Speed & Muscle Tone.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby Guest » 26 May 2024, 13:01

Hi Manutoo,

Thanks very much. I will give those tips a go and might restart my player with that in mind.
Hmm, If the game is slower in junior tour, that might work in my favour to start as I don't know the controls very well yet. I have done all the training sessions but I need to remember better which buttons do which strikes!

Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby Guest » 26 May 2024, 13:14

I have another quick question. I have the game set to All + Danger Zone + Aiming but on the serve I didn't see any target marker and so I wasn't sure where I was aiming. Is this correct? (I didn't see it during the training for service either).
I either seemed to go wide (out) or down the middle as though I'd not moved the stick so maybe it's my timing, but I expected to see a shadow, or a similar target marker to when I play normal shots?

Also, is there a play style that makes the game any easier? I went for "All rounder" which I don't see in the documentation but wondered if any of the others are better?
I'm probably more likely to stay at the baseline while I learn the controls.


Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby manutoo » 27 May 2024, 05:49

1) There's no aiming preview for the service because it's much easier than during the rallies : the aiming speed is always the same. I may add it someday, though.

2) Overall, the player style will have only a marginal impact on the difficulty ; you should try to pick the one that matches your play style. The ones going to the net will greatly ease the volleying, though.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby KiraNerys » 27 May 2024, 12:47

Thanks very much for the tips. I will have another go.
tennis enthusiastic
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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby KiraNerys » 27 May 2024, 21:36

I think I may have set my player up wrong.... I've been trying to search for the info but I'm not sure - I realised there is a button on the character sheet down the bottom in World Tour tot toggle between CPU or Human. Maybe I just missed this is the documentation. Sorry if I have.

I think it was auto on CPU and in my first match I assumed this was correct - I thought it was maybe for the opponent, and didn't change it.

1) Should that be set to human?
2) If it is set to CPU and I tried to do the controls, will I have had any effect or was it just playing out and I didn't realise?
3) Is this setting so you can have a CPU versus CPU match if you want to sit back and relax and see what happens? I'm assuming most of the time I'd be better off playing, assuming I'm not terrible at the game...
tennis enthusiastic
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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby manutoo » 28 May 2024, 05:02

1) Yes ; you can switch it on the bottom left of your Character Sheet

2) If you touch any input, it should show the Coaching interface, so you'll know you don't control your player

3) Yes ; it transforms the game into a manager game. Some people may like to use it to pass easy rounds once they played the game a lot.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: World Tour : tips to start a career ?

Postby KiraNerys » 28 May 2024, 10:58

Thanks very much! Will try again!
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
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Gaming Since: 25 May 2024, 21:43

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