Opinion after 5.22 update

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Opinion after 5.22 update

Postby Brad1981 » 25 May 2024, 00:30

Hi Manu, so after the latest update (5.22), I think the game improved a lot to make it closer to the speed as it is like watching on tv. I've only played about 20 minutes, so will continue to see, but I played a match tiebreak against the CPU at my normal level, and lost the very first time I played :D Which I was actually happy about.
I wanted to make a further suggestion if I could. In the Character Sheet, in addition to "Speed", maybe have a new "Agility" trait that can be controlled by a slider like everything else. And this Agility trait would control the speed of changing direction. (Higher value would mean a faster rate of change of direction by the player). I also wanted to add, that now I can hit behind the CPU player and he doesn't react instantly like before, making it much more realistic.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 452
Gaming Since: 01 May 2006, 16:45
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Re: Opinion after 5.22 update

Postby manutoo » 25 May 2024, 05:20


Muscle Tone is your Agility : "(speed + muscle tone) / 2" determines the running acceleration . :blackeye:

>> I can hit behind the CPU player and he doesn't react instantly like before

I guess it's because of the slightly raised inertia.
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Re: Opinion after 5.22 update

Postby Brad1981 » 25 May 2024, 06:01

Ok great thanks. I would have never guessed had you not mentioned it! I always knew it as Agility, at least here in the U.S.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 452
Gaming Since: 01 May 2006, 16:45
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Re: Opinion after 5.22 update

Postby Brad1981 » 25 May 2024, 23:34

1 thing I noticed with the update: Now that there is slightly more airtime drag, I notice the curve on some shots when moving side to side and hitting (especially crosscourt) is a little too much. It's almost as if there is wind blowing some of the cross court shots.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 452
Gaming Since: 01 May 2006, 16:45
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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