I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Gusbaldo » 25 Feb 2024, 23:57

Yesterday I played TE4 again after months of playing TE3 and I agree with the title of the post.

I feel that the ball passes very fast and gives me a ping pong feeling. :?
I have even noticed that now the parabola of the ball looks better, more in the shots with top spin, I like that, but it looks weird at such a speed.
The speed of the players and how it feels to move seems correct to me right now. :)
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Gusbaldo » 01 Mar 2024, 16:46

I take it back!
I've been playing it without mod and I find the speed of the game much better. :aureola:
As for the speed of gamplay I find that the reaction when moving the player is a bit "tank" (this is even worse with mod).
court stakhanovite
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby abc010101 » 01 Mar 2024, 18:47

What mod were you playing with ?
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Gusbaldo » 01 Mar 2024, 22:33

abc010101 wrote:What mod were you playing with ?

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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby manutoo » 02 Mar 2024, 07:03

do you know why it feels faster with the XKT Mod ?
Is it because they changed the bounce speed ? Or maybe something else ? :scratch:
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Gusbaldo » 03 Mar 2024, 04:19

To tell the truth, I do not know. I didn't check the mod files (I don't know if it works the same as in TE3) and I haven't asked in the XKT discord yet.
Maybe I'm wrong but that was my feeling when I tried it without mod and I liked it more.
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby manutoo » 03 Mar 2024, 07:23

could it be because you played with a different camera angle ?
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Gusbaldo » 03 Mar 2024, 19:50

I don't think so, i'm playing in 3D and the camera angle is the same in both.
For the moment i decided to ignore certain issues that i don't like about the current state of the game, but it was very shocking to go back to 4 after playing 3 for several months.

I am enjoying the game anyway, as i showed it to some friends and they have bought it. We have been playing doubles and the game works very well. :D
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby leo26 » 04 Mar 2024, 06:22

I agree completely with the title of this post. I enjoy TE4 a lot but I do find it to be very fast paced and the source of this is the acceleration shot. It is too easy to perform really fast shots, even with Elite controls (and even modding the controls to be harder than elite) and playing on Incredible difficulty. If the speed of the acceleration shots was reduced, or if the potential error in performing an acceleration was increased, I feel the game would be much more realistic.

Manu is there a way I can try to mod this ? I tried modding the controls to be harder than Elite in order to reduce the frequency of accelerations but unfortunately that doesn't work, as doing this results in making all shots, including normal shots, more difficult and imprecise. This results in more safestrikes, which in turn results in more easy balls, which eventually results in more accelerations :/

All I would like to try to mod is the acceleration, not the other shots.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby manutoo » 04 Mar 2024, 07:53

no, it's not possible.
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby zappingol » 04 Mar 2024, 13:38

Hello, I think the problem is that the statistics of the tennis players are Oversized, try lowering, for example, the skills of driving and backhand power as well as the consistency and precision of the shots below 70 and try playing a match with those new skills. The game feels slower like this. But for it to work you have to go to training settings and put tennis player skills in free mode otherwise it will take the skills from the base of the game. The problem with this is that if you want to play a world tour you would have to tweak all the skills of all the tennis players, but you could achieve a game with a much more realistic speed.
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby Mahmut » 04 Mar 2024, 13:56

leo26 wrote:I agree completely with the title of this post. I enjoy TE4 a lot but I do find it to be very fast paced and the source of this is the acceleration shot. It is too easy to perform really fast shots, even with Elite controls (and even modding the controls to be harder than elite) and playing on Incredible difficulty. If the speed of the acceleration shots was reduced, or if the potential error in performing an acceleration was increased, I feel the game would be much more realistic.

Manu is there a way I can try to mod this ? I tried modding the controls to be harder than Elite in order to reduce the frequency of accelerations but unfortunately that doesn't work, as doing this results in making all shots, including normal shots, more difficult and imprecise. This results in more safestrikes, which in turn results in more easy balls, which eventually results in more accelerations :/

All I would like to try to mod is the acceleration, not the other shots.

I agree with most here specially with this one. I think accelerations are fast yes in real life players hit as fast or even faster too but the problem for me is that in rally hitting 3-4 shots in a row with 135kmh+ is not realistic enough.
In real life I don't think players hitting consitently so easliy(like in the game) with 135kmh+. I agree there should be more errors from acceleration shots. I think this is the biggest down of the game. Actually game is closer to real life in a sense that rallies are not too long but achieving this way i don't think as realistic.

I'm not sure if replicating real life fully is even possible.TE4 is closest but still there are some things missing.

Idk how it could be achieved i didn't try making players power, stats lower to 70.

I'm also playing with XKT mod. This could be more of a problem with mod idk. Original version feels different when i played probably due to bounce, court speed etc.
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby leo26 » 04 Mar 2024, 17:11

zappingol wrote:Hello, I think the problem is that the statistics of the tennis players are Oversized, try lowering, for example, the skills of driving and backhand power as well as the consistency and precision of the shots below 70 and try playing a match with those new skills. The game feels slower like this. But for it to work you have to go to training settings and put tennis player skills in free mode otherwise it will take the skills from the base of the game. The problem with this is that if you want to play a world tour you would have to tweak all the skills of all the tennis players, but you could achieve a game with a much more realistic speed.

What do you mean it will take the skills from the rest of the game ?

But yes this is a very interesting suggestion. Is there a way that we can "cap" the stats for WT players at a certain level ? For example, make it so that no player can ever have more than 70 forehand power ?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: I feel that TE4 gameplay is too fast

Postby manutoo » 05 Mar 2024, 09:35

zappingol & leo26,
you can redefine all the player strengths in the World Tour by adjusting a few values : viewtopic.php?p=280177#p280177 .

zappingol & Mahmut,
could you try to play with the unmodded game and tell me if you feel the speed is the same or slower..?
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