I'm badly sick >_<

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I'm badly sick >_<

Postby manutoo » 01 Nov 2021, 11:13

Sorry, I have been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and it doesn't seem to get better. (right now, it's bad bronchitis, big rhinitis, and in bonus an otitis in the background, plus some on-off headaches)

I can work something like 45 minutes per day, and only on the easy stuff, so if I don't answer your messages, please be patient, at some point I should get back to normal (at least I hope so).
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby JiJo » 01 Nov 2021, 18:45

That sucks. Get well soon manu !
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby hamzafederer » 01 Nov 2021, 20:18

manutoo wrote:Sorry, I have been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and it doesn't seem to get better. (right now, it's bad bronchitis, big rhinitis, and in bonus an otitis in the background, plus some on-off headaches)

I can work something like 45 minutes per day, and only on the easy stuff, so if I don't answer your messages, please be patient, at some point I should get back to normal (at least I hope so).

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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby fabos » 01 Nov 2021, 20:20

take care of you manutoo
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby spid20124 » 02 Nov 2021, 14:13

Hope you get better!
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby Roms » 02 Nov 2021, 21:43

Take care of you manutoo
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby rafaelnadal » 02 Nov 2021, 21:49

Get well soon! ^^
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby Gleck » 03 Nov 2021, 11:29

Hope you can be good in few time, Manu :!:
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby manutoo » 03 Nov 2021, 18:40

thanks for your kind word. :jap:

I'm a tiny bit better now. I saw a doc by videoconference this morning (no way I'd go outside when I'm so sick and vulnerable to the cold :fear: ) and he told me to take antibiotics.

As I'm afraid the antibiotics will destroy my tummy and I have an important appointment on Friday morning (at home :P ), I'll start them on Friday if I'm not significantly better by then...
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby noys390 » 04 Nov 2021, 15:55

Hi Manutoo,
Hope you recover soon. Ofcourse do get the covid test done.
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby nico75 » 05 Nov 2021, 10:45

Cher Manu,
meilleur rétablissement possible.
Je pense à toi.
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby wilddog79 » 05 Nov 2021, 12:49

Take the necessary time to be ok, the more important is you feel good, so you must have patience and when you feel healthable back. Greetings.
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby Fed1 » 05 Nov 2021, 13:23

Hope you get better soon manu, health comes first, we'll be waiting, no worries
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby cheonbw » 05 Nov 2021, 17:46

Hope you get better soon enough, manutoo!!!
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Re: I'm badly sick >_<

Postby dongtaipo » 05 Nov 2021, 23:26

Glat to hear that you are a bit better now. Do take your time. Your health is the most important thing.
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