Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 29 Aug 2017, 18:23


Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j is released (Build 114-2017.8.29) : ~40MB [Permanent direct download link to the latest version]

Patch for all demo versions since TE2011 v1.0f Build 90 => TE2013 v1.0i Build 114 - SubBuild 2017.9.18 : (download the Patch if you don't want to download the Demo again, or if you want to keep your current settings & Training Club Players ; World Tour saved games are always kept even when reinstalling the Demo) ~10MB


New Features :
- Rendering : the game can now render at a higher framerate than 60 fps, up to 144 fps, which makes the balls more fluid ; and even at 60 fps, the rendering should be a bit less jerky

Changes :
- Rendering : turned off the auto-switch to old time polling method ; if you still want to use it, you'll have to set in your Tennis.ini, under [3dEngine], TimePolling to 1

Notes :
- Changelog of previous versions is here : topic15-27288.php
- Comments : topic15-28514.php

Important Note :
Post in this topic only if it's related to the latest new Version / Build, ie only for these 2 cases :
- about a point listed in the New Features / Changes / Bug Fixes
- about a bug that you are sure didn't happen in the previous version but happens in the new one (else, post in the "Bug Report" forum)
Do not write about anything else, else I may delete your post without any prior warning (or at very least, I won't answer it) ; if you're not sure your topic is related or not to the latest version, just create a new topic in the forum, it'll be fine...

Also on a side note, don't send me PM ( = Private Message) except for Private thing. Everything that can be read by everybody should be pointed out / asked in the forum, so my comments & answers could also be read by everybody, and hopefully, I won't have to write them again when someone else will have the same comments / questions...
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 30 Aug 2017, 16:17

SubBuild 2017.8.30, August 30th:

Bug Fixes :
- Rendering & Online : fixed a ton of bugs & glitches, mostly linked to the new smoother rendering when playing online, but also a few ones when playing offline, especially at 60hz
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 31 Aug 2017, 14:32

SubBuild 2017.8.31, August 31st:

Bug Fixes :
- Rendering & Online : fixed the players looking to the ball in the wrong direction
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 01 Sep 2017, 13:10

SubBuild 2017.9.1, September 1st:

Bug Fixes :
- Rendering & Online : fixed the players looking to the ball in the wrong direction when preparing their strikes
- Replay : rendering wasn't smoothed during replay
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 03 Sep 2017, 08:42

SubBuild 2017.9.3, September 3rd:

Bug Fixes :
- Rendering & Online : fixed wrong server position during 1 frame after a net serve
- Rendering : fixed teleportation of the ball when starting to serve
- Camera : fixed 3rd person camera when playing online always looking straight in front
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 13 Sep 2017, 08:05

SubBuild 2017.9.9, September 9th:

New Features :
- Rendering : added the possibility to disable the smooth rendering in Video -> Advanced (visible when the "Advanced Options" in Misc Options menu are turned on), so if you want to test it out, it's possible, although it shouldn't change anything except make the rendering a bit jerky ;)

Changes :
- Fps : fps counter timing changed, so it might be more accurate after have played the game for a few hours

Bug Fixes :
- Replay : Ball & its shadow were de-doubled during replay (*)
- Rendering : Ball was teleporting right at the beginning of each point & each 2nd serve (*)
- Menus : mouse wheel was working randomly when the rendering was faster than 60 fps

Notes :
- (*) already fixed since 1 week, but without a change of version
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 18 Sep 2017, 18:24

SubBuild 2017.9.18, September 18th:

Bug Fixes :
- Controls : it was not possible to assign new key/new button in the Controls menu when having 60 fps, and it wasn't working all the time when having more than 60fps
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 11 Oct 2017, 10:25

SubBuild 2017.10.11, October 11th:

Bug Fixes :
- World Tour : in Season Mode, the future rankings of your player were not initialized correctly when you didn't start the season on his 1st year ; so you were getting the 2nd rank of the player life on the 2nd season, instead of the correct rank
- Menu : some lines were way too thick instead of being thin
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 24 May 2018, 10:41

Build 115, May 22nd:

New Features :
- AI : when standing on the baseline, now the CPU can smash his opponent lobs, either from the baseline or in doubles also by running to the service line if he has enough time ; from the baseline, he'll smash only if his Smash skill is bigger than his (ForehandPower - 65)

Bug Fixes :
- World Tour : fixed a couple of rare issues
- Modding : fixed a crash when setting a wrong SurfaceSpeed in a Court.ini
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 25 Jun 2018, 19:22

SubBuild 2018.6.25, June 25th:

Bug Fixes :
- Online : Italian translation had a couple of issues making the game silently crashes when opening the Hosting menu
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 21 Nov 2019, 11:24

Build 116, November 21st:

New Features :
- Menu : added a newsletter button in the Main Menu

Bug Fixes :
- Match : fixed a few crashes, mostly happening in doubles (I had found them while working on TEM2 this year :blackeye: )
- World Tour : fixed a few issues in the simulated matches (still from TEM2 work :unsure: )
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 26 Apr 2020, 10:26

Build 120, April 26th:

Changes :
- Skills : halved the extra precision bonus when having the Precision more than 20% above the Power (eg: having now 100% Precision vs 60% Power is equivalent of having before 90% vs 60% => (100-60)-20 = ((90-60)-20) * 2)
- Strikes : lowered the speed bonus for the Short Acceleration & Short Strike when the Precision is above the Power ; plus now if you're mispositioned, you won't get that speed bonus ; and inversely, the speed handicap is lowered when the Power is above the Precision, and the handicap is totally removed when you're very badly positioned (because you already get other penalties from the mispositioning anyway)
- Lob : lowered the lob precision when your opponent is not at the net and you play with Arcade or Simulation control
- Auto-Positioning : your player now automatically moves back when he's getting lobbed after the bounce, even with Slow and Average Auto-Positioning
- Auto-Positioning : auto-pos now works if you press (and hold) any strike button before your opponent strikes, if you play against the CPU Junior-10 or lower levels

Bug Fixes :
- Online : fixed a crash when getting disconnected before starting to play the 1st match of a game session

Notes :
- Most of these changes are to prevent some Online exploits when playing with a low power build
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 28 Apr 2020, 18:17

Build 121, April 28th:

Bug Fixes :
- Strikes : the previous build almost completely removed the Short Acceleration bonus/handicap on speed when the Precision is above/under the Power instead of lowering it
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 11 Oct 2020, 14:01

Build 122, October 11th:

New Features :
- Online : added a button to auto-refresh the server list every 5 seconds

Bug Fixes :
- Recording / Online : fixed a bug preventing to replay correctly a .dmo when skipping some parts where a player was running right on the 1st frame of a point ; it could also possibly create desync online, although it's not sure in what case(s) :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0j [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 22 Dec 2021, 18:55

SubBuild 2021.12.22, December 22nd:

New Features :
- Modding : added the TE4 ads logo on the top right of the main menu even when the game menus are modded

Bug Fixes :
- World Tour : fixed a couple of rare bugs & crashes (found while working on TEM2/TE4 :blackeye: )
== Mana Games ==

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