Comments about Build 110 (TE2013 v1.0e)

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby MaGav » 21 Aug 2014, 09:40

I have an issue with the latest version. I can't join and create multiplayer games. It says I have to install the latest version to join multiplayer games while I did it. My friend has the same problem.
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Comments about Build 110 (TE2013 v1.0e)

Postby NESXA » 21 Aug 2014, 09:44

You need to download patch. I had that problem.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 21 Aug 2014, 11:11

I had forgotten to update the demo file (latest version was already uploaded & checked, but the last step to replace the previous version wasn't done).
Now you can download it again, it should be ok..! ;-)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby Shempa » 21 Aug 2014, 12:27

- Gameplay : sliced volley is a bit shorter so it won't go out too much when a player has good volley skills
- AI : CPU now handles better short ball at the net, by either volleying them or stepping a bit farther from the bounce

Great Manu! Now doubles will be much more realistic!
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby isaldor » 21 Aug 2014, 13:58

It's way too easy to hit passing. Slower slice volley is not a good idea. Rallies are already way too long, and net play is the only alternative to finish them and you decrease speed voley, so now we'll have to backboard even more.
Last edited by isaldor on 21 Aug 2014, 20:19, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby djarvik » 21 Aug 2014, 16:37

- Gameplay : safe slice short is a bit longer & slower, so it's much easier to do a good passing shot out of it

Can someone explain this one to me? I don't understand it :(
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Build 110

Postby Heinrich von Westphalen » 21 Aug 2014, 19:44

Great update ... (thanks God) players seem to be forced now to use / add some reflexes to defend partners :queen: in Doubles. I didn't noticed any changes in singles, except maybe an easier passing.

Kind regards,
Heinrich von Westphalen.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby Nadi madi » 21 Aug 2014, 20:20

manutoo wrote:Changes :
- Gameplay : safe slice short is a bit longer & slower, so it's much easier to do a good passing shot out of it

I don't know from where this idea came to you all of sudden as you already tuned the safe shot volley before :sweat: , but i swear now it is almost impossible to defend short angles under your feet and im okay with that, but i can't escape from the fact that many players hit short angles without aiming for it and from crazy positions!!! (e.x when i serve a 205 km/h and find the return under my feet how am i gonna handle the 1st volley shot?? , and for sure my opponent didn't aim for that shot...) , not to mention the short angles being hit with "body" on the run which sometimes land very short and annoying to the volleyer, i don't know why you are finding excuses for baseliners "its their last resort..." , and not thinking the same way when it matters to volleyers, anyway i hope you reconsider it as safe volley has already got tuned. :jap:

P.S: Thanks for fixing CPUs
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby Rob92 » 21 Aug 2014, 23:52

Thanks for the update - just played a couple of games tonight with the ITST patch (lost, but my opponent was highly skilled) and it was fun.

Over recent months I have been playing a lot of Don Bradman Cricket 14 and The Golf Club, but I will always keep coming back to Tennis Elbow... It is a brilliant little game and I never get tired of it, I look forward to hearing anything about TE4 :) .
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby Nigogu » 22 Aug 2014, 00:08

Awesome, i'll try the 16:9 feature soon. Though, now it's very hard to reach the net without getting passed in the shot after the approach.

Hello there Robert :love2: :!:
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby P0wnzer » 22 Aug 2014, 00:14

This volley update is ridiculous. I cannot P0wnzer people anymore.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 22 Aug 2014, 03:48

safe slice strike = press slice strike button, then release before strike.
In other word, it's the no-button strike ( = the safe strike), but used with some precharged slice spin.
In bonus, I had written "safe slice short" instead of "safe slice shot", adding to the confusion ... :P

Nadi madi,
the safe shot isn't changed, only the safe slice shot, which means if you don't press the slice strike button before to do your last instant volley, it'll work same as before. And if you do, you won't get a kind of half dead ball anymore for free...

About slice volleys,
the change is minimal, only 20cm shorter in best case (ie: 100% net presence + 100% volley skill), and the speed of the volley shouldn't change (except possibly on some very low balls).
And in any case, this would make the slice volley a bit more dangerous, as the opponent as to step a bit more in to handle it, and if he steps in too early, you can do the normal volley that will give him more trouble.
A little reminder : topic5-17302.php ; it was Heinrich von Westphalen complaining about the sliced volleys, who were too short for him, making him think it was the safe shot, so making them a bit more short shouldn't bring much easier passing...
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby isaldor » 22 Aug 2014, 07:42

After some sets against CPU IC5 and online sets, it is definitely easier to hit a passing for the opponent when we hit a slice volley. The ball is too short and too slow, it gives time to the opponent and an easy ball (because it's not deep) to hit a passing winner. This shot in my opinion is totally useless now. There was no reason to slower this shot.
Secondly i noticed (and i'm not the only one) that when you hit a safe volley (when you don't press any key), the ball goes really really high, almost like a lob volley. We use safe volley when the ball is really difficult to handle (like when the ball bounce on our feet), but now this shot is also useless cause the ball goes way to high and gives a really easy ball to the opponent.
Netplay was one of the thing that needed no particularly changes and even less a "nerf".
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby manutoo » 23 Aug 2014, 05:36

once again : ball speed on slice volley didn't change.
I checked the high & slow safe slice strike at net from your .dmo, and it surely goes high ; actually, this kind of ball should be fault ; and it likely is fault with Elite controls, but you play with Simulation controls. Anyway, it's an extreme case, so having an unusual response isn't that bad, but I'll think a bit about it and maybe I'll publish a little tuning within next couple of days.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0e [Windows]

Postby isaldor » 23 Aug 2014, 14:37

It's not an unusual case it happens very often.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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