Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Lucian86 » 17 Jan 2018, 15:43

Virtua Tennis is an arcade and a good game overall. [Please don't advertize concurrent games] is just horrible, plain and simple. I don't mind the graphics and player models but everything else looks really bad. Pretty much they have 1 lazy set of animations. They could add others later on but that won't save the game because the ball physics is just off and confusing.
Also the new "Top Spin" is quite bad. Shows no improvement wrt Top Spin 4 (which I didn't like anyway).

Well, I don't even care because we will have TS4 ;) I'm sure Manutoo will do a great game again. Please don't release it until it's almost perfect :) Not impatient at all. TE 2013 is still fun to play btw
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Rob92 » 17 Jan 2018, 18:21

Hi Manu, hope you and your family are well and had a nice Xmas/New year! :)

I thought I'd visit to see what you thought of [Please don't advertize concurrent games]... Wow, it's terrible isn't it?! :shock: Controls and overall gameplay that copies TS4, but does it 100x worse and looks totally boring to play.

I agree with Lucian that VT was still fun while being arcadey, some shots had satisfying power/speed, some great animations etc (and likewise I didn't like TS4 either)... AO has almost no positives at all; you could maybe take some nice looking screenshots and that's the only good thing about it...

Looking forward to seeing future updates about TEM2 and TE4, especially regarding the new physics/striking which sounds very interesting... But there's no rush, take your time :).
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Narcisa » 20 Jan 2018, 14:04

Thank you for a great game!

What about creating the ability to change racquets with different tensions? And string tension changing during the match (strings losing tension)? That would be awesome! Perhaps even different kinds of strings with different qualities.

Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby manutoo » 21 Jan 2018, 12:16

I don't think the loss of string tension could play a sensible role in a tennis game, especially as pro players usually change of racket before having an issue with the tension.

However, you can consider that changing the topspin of your player changes as well his string tension, as usually the spin & tension are relatively correlated (although IIRC, Sampras played with a very high tension and didn't put much spin in his strikes).

Anyway, the tension is mostly about finding the right ball sensation when you have the racket in your hand, and thus in a tennis game, it's a feeling we'll never have... :)

Extra reading : ; this article recommends changing the tension by +/-1kg (2-3 lbs) when looking for power or control. As 2 different players can have a difference of up to 10~15kg, it shows it's really a matter of taste & feelings more than pure physics.

Ball attrition is something that would have more influence on the gameplay, with a better visibility, but it'd still be delicate to integrate for the user as again the ball sensation in the racket would be missing to analyse the subtle differences.
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Narcisa » 21 Jan 2018, 15:29

Sorry for accidentally reposting!

I see your point about string would also be too linear and therefore not realistic.

I just remember it always was a huge factor for me. I played with a prostaff 6.0 for about 20 years and always wanted very high tension and switch out four racquets (wish my success was like Sampras' LOL). It was all for feel and control. I loved that racquet! But had to switch out strings too much. Now i play with a Six.One 90 with polyester and have changed my forehand to take advantage of the strings and the feel is different. As you say, it is about feel and that would be hard to emulate.

Thank you!

Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Lucian86 » 22 Jan 2018, 12:00

Narcisa wrote:Thank you for a great game!

What about creating the ability to change racquets with different tensions? And string tension changing during the match (strings losing tension)? That would be awesome! Perhaps even different kinds of strings with different qualities.

That looks more like a Tennis Elbow Manager feature
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby tan » 23 Jan 2018, 12:00

When I'm looking at [Please don't advertize concurrent games] or TWT and Manuu comments about these games or on ITST, I'm getting super frustrated. If manuu was motivated we would have one of the best sports game in the world, with a console version, it would be better than NBA and FIFA, but Manuu is as lazy as a turtle. I call him the turtle now :roll:

Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Burned » 23 Jan 2018, 18:54

Manuu does his best to deal with his private life, help us here on the forum and work on TE4.
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby manutoo » 24 Jan 2018, 09:40

what Burned said + 1 did another game which got 165 updates in the past ~2 years, and whose sequel is waited by some people as much as TE4 is waited by some of TE fans. :yes:
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby vampireZattitude » 24 Jan 2018, 14:38

If that is the case Manutoo should hire few employees :-D and bring product in market as soon as possible.
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby manutoo » 25 Jan 2018, 09:41

unfortunately, only me can do most of the game. For the Stadiums, I have a freelance working on them ; the GUI design is kinda done (in a similar style than TEM2's one). And I'll find someone for the players once I'll have set up the new character system. For the rest, it needs my time and a lot of it... :fear:
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Rogereld » 27 Jan 2018, 20:49

Why my suggestions about taking few good things from other game was deleted without answer? Sad.
Im just asked about realistic in variety of shots e.g drive-volley, and even volley because now its weak part of gameplay, and also consistency of rally.
That game was only for mobiles, and shouldnt be adware...

Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby LEDzZzEPP » 28 Jan 2018, 05:10

Rogereld wrote:Why my suggestions about taking few good things from other game was deleted without answer? Sad.
Im just asked about realistic in variety of shots e.g drive-volley, and even volley because now its weak part of gameplay, and also consistency of rally.
That game was only for mobiles, and shouldnt be adware...

A confused guest..? :thinking:
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Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby Rogereld » 28 Jan 2018, 06:30

LEDzZzEPP wrote:A confused guest..? :thinking:

Higher on the same page 3 guests who received reply without delete their messages. Or you thinking what my suggestions seems malicious? Im just wanna get best tennis game as possible, you not?

Re: Previsional "Tennis Elbow 4" Planning

Postby manutoo » 28 Jan 2018, 09:02

you have a guest account and came to talk about another tennis game and tell I should use it as an example and I checked it and it looked horrible so I thought you were there for hidden ads... :fear:

If you want to see a better TE4, there's no need to point to other games ; just explain as clearly and as in depth as possible what you think is wrong in TE2013, and if possible, expose possible solutions to make you enjoy the game more. And if you really need to show some example, then pick real tennis matches on Youtube.
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