Some suggestions for upcoming updates

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby TTennisfan » 02 Feb 2009, 05:11

1st : when playing against registered users, players with demo can now play on any surface ! (Remember this very useful features I think we want this back with 09)
2nd : LOL, On clay the gameplay is very fast compared to 2006 fix it
3rd: More kind of styles ( guess it won't be added for the next 2 months anyway )
4th : More haircuts bald, long hair, long curly, short hair, afro, dreads, punk (maybe not punk) etc.
5th : As Kyuuji and I suggest more kinds of shots, specially service.
6th : When for example someone is at the bottom of the court and his top spin is below 30-40% i think that the shot must touch the net and the bounce must be very high to make it realistic, know what i'm talking about?
Record 09(singles): 28-15 Record 09(doubles): 1-2
Best result (09) :
S.F: Newport,

Record 2008: 44-13
Best result (08):
F:Rome, Roland Garros, Bangkok, Vienna, Madrid, Shanghai
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby TTennisfan » 02 Feb 2009, 05:54

Additional Suggestions :
7- Player can shout ''C'mon'' when he is very happy...
8- Try to improve the Forehand movement that's it for now
Record 09(singles): 28-15 Record 09(doubles): 1-2
Best result (09) :
S.F: Newport,

Record 2008: 44-13
Best result (08):
F:Rome, Roland Garros, Bangkok, Vienna, Madrid, Shanghai
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby manutoo » 11 Feb 2009, 05:14


1- there's a easy way to fix this one : buy the game... ;)

6- I think topspin is fine at it is now

Other points noted...
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby TTennisfan » 11 Feb 2009, 05:25

Well I'm happy to see that u accept some of my ideas but i think that #3,4,5,6,7 are all ideas in 1 category : Animation, and u ''promess'' to add it, we're waiting for a good result :)
Record 09(singles): 28-15 Record 09(doubles): 1-2
Best result (09) :
S.F: Newport,

Record 2008: 44-13
Best result (08):
F:Rome, Roland Garros, Bangkok, Vienna, Madrid, Shanghai
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby Brad1981 » 11 Feb 2009, 05:30

Be able to set the number of points needed to win a tiebreak (i.e. minimum of 7 to maximum of 30)

Have a separate Topspin-strike only setting. With Topspin set high, all shots are good, except topspin strike which seems too loopy, hence an added setting to control the topspin strike.

Have mtrun setting for the CPU for maxspeed and acceleration. I play on Incredible level because I think the pace of the shots is more realistic in this level. But, even when I set CPU speed to 0%, he is still pretty fast. And I would like to be able to tone this down more. (Even with CPU shot power at 100% for both Pro and Master level, I feel it is too slow, so I just play at Incredible Level 10, and the CPU shot power is good. Wish shot power could be toggled so that at like 90-100%, CPU shot could be faster on levels below Incredible 10.)
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby CC » 11 Feb 2009, 21:29

Please consider making it easier and faster to switch profiles. Right now, if someone hosts a Free game and I have my "fair game" profile active, I must exit the online games menu, find my "free game" profile, activate it, go back to the online games menu, and hope to be able to join the Free game. Often, by the time I am ready to go, someone else has joined the game. It would be nice, I think, if the profile could be changed from the online games screen and if it did not take so long for the profile to activate (when I click Apply, it takes several seconds for the change to take effect).
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby Tsonga » 11 Feb 2009, 23:14

Manutoo what if u cant afford to buy the game? :(
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2009 1.0a

Postby Brad1981 » 18 Feb 2009, 08:05

Hey Manu, just wondering if it's possible to add the ability to edit the CPU footspeed any further? I'm not sure if this can be accomplished with a separate mtrun for the CPU or not. Or maybe you could widen the range in the Character Sheet. But when I play on Incredible, even with CPU speed set to 0%, he is really fast, and I would like to slow it down further. Not sure if and how this could be accomplished, maybe one of the above suggestions, or something else...but it would really help.
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby btaylor » 19 Feb 2009, 10:13

Hey Manu,

I was just thinking about some possible improvements to the sprites stroking techniques...(IF you are still open to suggestions, and they can still be implemented.) Please don't take offense, as you have already been doing and continue to do such an incredibly wonderful job with the game. :)
I think you may have mentioned once that you have somebody helping you out sometimes with the artwork. I was wondering if they are also "tennis players" because I notice some small things in technique that maybe could be touched up a bit. TTennisfan suggested that the forehand should be improved. I'm not sure what improvements he was alluding to because he didn't offer any suggestions, but since he brought it up, I have one or two that I've been thinking about....just sort of " fine tuning... :wink: ) Here goes:

1) On the forehand, at the precise moment when the racquet hand is coming forward to strike the ball, the wrist and racquet should be in a more laid-back position with more of the palm of the hand BEHIND the handle in a more semi-western grip for topspin. I've noticed in some of the other competitors games that most of them have addressed this issue. As it is now, when looking at YOUR forehand in slo-mo or freeze frame at this precise moment in the stroke the wrist is actually ON TOP of the handle/grip in a somewhat compromised position, more like a CONTINENTAL grip. Also in YOUR stroke, once the backswing is concluded and the forward part of the swing begins, the forearm and wrist move forward as ONE UNIT with this grip into the strike position, which doesn't realistically allow for any wrist flexibility ( which in real tennis is one of the primary factors in increasing racquet-head speed.) In reality, if you were to really strike the ball HARD this way, you would really tear up your wrist/forearm tendons :lol: . John McEnroe is the ONLY pro player that I know of who still hits the ball with a continental grip (and compared to todays pros, he virtually pushes/shovels the ball with no pace.) Check out ANY of today's pros and up-coming juniors for that matter, men OR women, in the milliseconds before the racquet actually strikes the ball.

2) Today's modern forehand follow-through more often finishes AROUND THE BODY, not above the shoulder as a rule, moreso resembling a "windshield wiper" type of stroke, necessary for imparting extreme topspin...think Henin, Federer, Nadal (when he's not finishing above his head :P .) This technique would seem to fit in precisely in TE because the vast majority of the strokes ARE topspin strikes, with the exception of the slice forehand...

3) The forehand backswing should be initiated with a more-or-less closed racquet face rather than open and STAY relatively closed throughout until just before ball contact...

4) I noticed also on the one-hand backhand in freeze frame that the palm of the hand is again ON TOP rather than BEHIND the handle in a more eastern grip which would be more conducive to hitting flat or heavily topped backhands...(again, the continental grip is necessary for the slice backhand, which is fine in the TE sprites sliced backhand stroke)

Listen Manu, I know and appreciate (as I'm quite sure others do) all of your constant tweaks, tunings and improvements in the game and while I remember that you already used some of my previous forehand suggestions, I'm really not trying to be a nuisance. Heck, actually DURING the swing at full speed these things are hardly noticeable (except for the follow through) but at least one other person noticed it.... perhaps others have also but were either hesitant/reluctant to mention it or either more concerned with the actual gameplay. (as I told you before, I'm more of a "technique" guy :wink: )
At least I'm trying to offer more SPECIFIC, not general, but constructive criticisms/improvements...just to add a touch more realism to an already great game. I don't know how difficult it is to make these improvements/changes, as I'm surely no 3D expert, but as I said earlier, I'm wondering if they pertain more to the artwork than to the 3D engine itself..

P.s. I hope you're still considering, as you once said, about copying Federer's backhand from the videos that you have; that would be AWESOME!!! Regardless of what the pundits say, I STILL think it's one of the best one-handers on the tour (even if he struggles against Nadal with it....but then again, WHO DOESN'T?! :P )
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby btaylor » 19 Feb 2009, 11:14

Manu...I just emailed you some forehand articles illustrating what I alluded to in my previous post...They are from the "" website that I sent some time ago about the Sampras serve and Fed's backhand. Please let me know if you get them...If not they can be accessed from the same link we used before...
the link is:
click on "article instruction", then click on "forehand"
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby gump83 » 20 Feb 2009, 01:47

Hey Manu, finally I bought the game!
Congrats, the 2009 version is fantastic...
So... I have a couple of suggestions to give, I think it's not too hard to implement them:

1) Some players from past generations are playing on recent years, I mean the less famous. Ie: as I'm from Brazil, I know the players from here and there are some of them, like Ricardo Acioly, Joao Zwetsch, Ivan Kley and others that played in middle of 80's and often play in 2000's in TE. Maybe the same happens with players from other nationalities. Is there any way to exclude them out when we play on recent years?

2) It would be fantastic if we could plan the season (as we can do in TE Manager), choosing the tournaments before we play and receive Special Exempts when the campaign of the week before is good (semi-finals or finals).

Well, that's it at moment. Congrats again and regards! I'll try to participate more times here on Forum...
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby manutoo » 20 Feb 2009, 07:42

@Tsonga :
u still can play forever for free the online mode with a few limitations, which is not a too bad catch... ;)

@btaylor :
I got the 3 video u sent in last hour, but nothing yesterday... Some are quite great and will be really helpful when I'll find the time to create the new anims... I know I'm super behind the "few weeks" I said when I released TE2009, but on the other hand, I did many other improvements which felt whether more important for the gameplay, or more funny to do (ie: the Gestures... :P )

About ur technical comment, I think I agree with most them, but it's quite hard to change the current FH (I did a quick try and the result was jerking), so it's better that I don't touch the current animation anymore, and I'll copy a pro player's movement from a slow motion video for the new one (for the current anim, I mostly used my own movement... :P )

@gump83 :
1- low ranked players have to be changed to limit the number of total players, thus it helps to keep the player base small & the saved games small as well
2- the Wildcards already arrived with the v1.0a , download it..! ;)
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby Togtdyalttai » 20 Feb 2009, 08:04

Ok, I know this might be difficult to do, but I have a suggestion for which surface people with demo version should be able to host on. Instead of having it be Blue-Green Cement all the time, I think it should change depending on which surface is currently being played on. For example, right now it would be Indoor Hard, then during Indian Wells and Miami it would be Blue-Green Cement, then after that it would be Clay until the French Open. Again, I know this would be difficult to implement but it'd be cool if it would happen. I know it's a bit strange that a player with full version is suggesting this too, but...
2010 Singles: 66-10 (no wo (4))
2010 Doubles: 21-11
2009 Singles: 105-14 (no WO (6))
2009 Doubles: 11-8
Best Results:
'10: W: AO, Miami, Casa, Barca, Rome, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Cincy
'09: W: 13 including Rome, Madrid, RG, Wimby, Cincy, USO
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby btaylor » 20 Feb 2009, 08:06

Thanks Manu,

I think that the new improvements and gestures are definitely a great addition to the game and I'm really looking forward to the new anims whenever you find the time. I was beginning to wonder if you had changed your mind about them, but it's good to know that you're still gonna add some new ones :)
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Re: Some suggestions for upcoming updates

Postby Brad1981 » 21 Feb 2009, 06:47

I mentioned this a while ago, but thought I'd mention again now that this has its own thread. Could we have the option to expand the number of acceleration strikes? Kind of like raising the Stamina past 100. But maybe have something in the .ini in which to do this. Only for play against the CPU, of course. I really would like the option to play without limits :wink:
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