New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

match reports & organization for the online tennis tournaments

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New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 04 Jul 2011, 08:10


we needed some cleaning, with rules & explanation topic spreading all around... :sweat:
So I regrouped everything in this topic : topic13-4767.php .
Some rules have been slightly changed.
The most important change is that now tie-breakers are authorized in case of bad conditions, if both players totally agree to do like that.
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 10 Jul 2011, 15:23

Rule update :
It is now possible for winners to report their win ; => topic13-4767.php#p68141 .
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 12 Jul 2011, 10:44

Added these new match rules :
- play your Tournament matches with your Forum's nickname ; don't use another in-game name
- if your opponent doesn't use his Forum's nickname, you can't ask to cancel the match result, but you can ask him to change his name
=> topic13-4767.php#p68145

This will help us to check matches' scores.

Also, you can check Moderators' role & status here : topic13-4767.php#p68753
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 20 Jul 2011, 06:52

How to Play Update :
Reserve Match :
If you have time, you can play a match with a future possible opponent.
Example, you should play the winner of match "Player A vs Player B", but they still didn't play. So you can play a Reserve Match against Player A, if you both want. In case Player A wins his match against Player B, then the result of your Reserve Match against Player A will be used.
You can play a Reserve Match with any possible future opponent, even several rounds earlier.
Be sure to agree with your opponent that you're playing a Reserve Match for your current tournament, and not a practice match.
Post the result of your Reserve Match in your tournament's official topic, stating "Reserve Match", name of your opponent, score and Round.
==> topic13-4767.php#p68141
== Mana Games ==

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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 23 Jul 2011, 15:01

Spilling out a few things, and updating a few other things ; all of this to ensure people play their matches.

Slightly updated WO, RL decision process :
In case you don't your play by the deadline, then the Mods may, depending of the conditions :
- give you 1 day more to play your match (only for valid reasons)
- give you a WO if your opponent wasn't online lately or he didn't do enough to play against you
- give your opponent a WO if you were not online lately or you didn't do enough to play against him
- decide the result of the match by Random Luck (RL), if despite all your efforts and your opponent's efforts, you were not able to manage to play your match

Random Luck (RL) addition :
In case you got one or several RL in your favor in the previous rounds of a tournament, and you didn't do your best effort to arrange the matches (BETAM) that lead to these RL, then your chances are lowered for the next RL ; your chances are divided by (1 + Number of RL without BETAM) ; example : you got 1 RL, then your chances are divided by 2 ; in case your opponent also got some RL without BETAM, then the one with most of these will see his chances divided by (1 + own RL without BETAM - opponent's RL without BETAM).

New Messenger Rule, just to be sure it's 100% clear :
- be online on MSN as much as possible ; this is an important mean to measure your will to play in case of WO or RL decision

Reserve Match :
If you play a reserve match, lose it, and then disappear, you'll then face a 1-week ban.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 29 Jul 2011, 16:24

The 15 Small Tournament Rule only applies if you're in the Top 30.
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 25 Aug 2011, 08:57

Match Rule Addition :
- Don't pause the match by any mean, including (but not limited to) entering the menus, opening the in-game chat, watching stats or replay, except at end of a game or in case of necessity (example: need to chat to decide what to do after a Desync) ; end-of-game pauses should be as brief as possible
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 10 Oct 2011, 15:11

Special rules related to Reserve Match :
- If you refuse to play a reserve match when you have the time for it, you'll greatly reduce your chances to get an extra day for your current match, if you want one

Match Settings
- Mode: Fair
- Controls : Simulation
- Tiredness : Off
- Preview : All + Danger ; you can lower your own Preview in your Character Sheet, though
- Minimum Delay : 117ms ; if Auto-Delay is above 117ms, the Delay should be set accordingly ; if both players agree, the minimum Delay can be ignored and the Auto-Delay can be used instead
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 06 Jan 2012, 13:55

New Way to contact your Opponent in the Forum :
From now on, don't use the official Topic of the Tournaments to contact your opponent. To do so, go to the Tournament Draw page, and click on the Link / Button under "Report Result".
If it's a button, it means the topic for your match organization is still not created & it'll be created when you post your message. Else, it's just a link to the existing topic. An "unread" icon will be shown if a message from your opponent (or from a Mod) is waiting for you.

With this new way, it'll be easier for Tour Mods to track your exchanges and decide what to do in case a match hasn't been played.

Note: you still can post in the official topic your reserve match results, your match reports, and any other stuff you want all people to read.
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 07 Jan 2012, 05:10

End of 117ms Minimum Delay Rule:
This rule doesn't make sense with the new network code, and it might confuse some people, so it's removed.
You still can manually set the Delay to 117ms if it makes you feel good, though... ;)
But in all cases, when the Auto-Delay is above 117ms, then you should really set the Delay to Auto, to avoid lag.
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 07 Jan 2012, 12:31

Call For Moderator :
You can now call for a Moderator to read your Match Topic (so you need to create it before to see the button to call Moderator).

Call For Random Luck :
You can now call for decide your Match result by Random Luck ; if your opponent does same, then your match result will be done automatically (without Mod intervention) to decide who won. Your chances to win Random Luck are always shown below that button.

Random Luck :
Now, the chances to win Random Luck are : (YourOpponentRank + 15) / (YourOpponentRank + YourRank + 30) .
Example : I'm #10 ; my opponent is #100 ; I have (100+15) / (100+10+30) = 82% chances to win by RL.
Ranks are capped to 200, so for example if your rank is 300 then it'll be replaced by 200 in the formula above.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 15 Jan 2012, 05:50

Availability Schedule :
from now on, to queue for a Tournament, you must have filled your Availability Schedule in the Occupation field in User Control Panel -> Profile ; Schedule Example : "Week Days: from 18.00 to 23.00 UTC+1 ; Week-End : 11.00 to 23.00".
When you play in a Tournament, you have to keep your Availability Schedule up to date for the current week at all time. If your Schedule is incorrect then you'll greatly increase the chances of your opponent to get a WO in case of non-played match.
If you change your Schedule, post the changes in your Match Topic as well, so your opponent will be alerted of the changes.
The Schedule should help everybody to know when they can expect to see their opponent online, and thus, reduce the rate of non-played matches.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 22 Jan 2012, 07:12

A little note on the Availability Schedule :
The schedule is to show when you may be available to play ; of course, you may be doing something else during that schedule, like running an errand, visiting some friend, having dinner, etc... The idea is to mainly show when you could make yourself available to ease the appointment process when you have problem to catch your opponent online on MSN.
In other words, your Availability Schedule is your free time outside of your work/study/commute/sleep/away-from-home time... ;)
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby adner » 20 Jul 2012, 17:58

Tour ranking rules were added here.
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Re: New Tour FAQ/HowTO ; Updated Rules

Postby manutoo » 27 Dec 2012, 05:20

New Match Settings :
- Mode: Fair
- Controls : Elite
- Tiredness : On

Note: changed from Fair / Simulation / Off
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