Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

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Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 25 Mar 2022, 11:48


here the version 1.0f of TEM2, another maintenance update, with some improvements from TE4 as well !

Demo :
- Windows : ... M2_f1f.exe
- MacOs : ... ac_f1f.pkg (still not updated to v1.0f ; it should come within a couple of weeks ; this note will be updated when it's done)
- Linux : ... (still not updated to v1.0fe ; it should come within a couple of weeks ; this note will be updated when it's done)

Comments :
Comments go there so the changelog will be easier to follow : topic11-33312.php


Version 1.0f - SubBuild 2022.3.25:

New Features :
- Players : rankings updated to the end of 2021 (for the players already in the base)
- Helpers : you can now select different visuals for the Danger Zone ; the new ones are a bit or a lot more discreet than the original one ; you can select them in Settings -> 3d Match -> Danger Zone
- Modding : you can now Mod the Danger Zone textures

Changes :
- Audio : added more echo to all the umpire announces
- World Tour : boosted a bit the strength of low-ranked women, especially around the rank #100
- Strike : lowered a bit the lob precision when your opponent isn't at the net
- Strike : lowered a tiny bit the defense lob speed, so it'll be less easy to do a winning lob with it
- Gameplay : lowered the extra-reach for all the strikes when the ball is very low or very high (as the racket describes somewhat of a circle instead of a linear limit), which should avoid some weird animations and give a more realistic reach overall
- Gameplay : slightly raised the time to stop to run when pressing a strike button so now it matches the time needed to trying to run in the opposite direction
- Animation : the players won't try anymore to hit the ball after it has bounced against a wall, to avoid doing weird animations

Bug Fixes :
- AI : the CPU should now never hit the ball out of sync
- AI : the CPU wasn't stressed by playing against a much lower-ranked player than him
- AI : in some situations, the CPU wasn't deciding correctly to switch to the slice
- Controls : cannot run into the crowd stand anymore by doing circle running near them
- Gameplay : fixed a rare bug that was fully depleting the player energy
- Animation : since a couple of Builds, the player wasn't running anymore to the side on volleys and was doing sidesteps which were leading to weird-looking volley animations
- Animation : fixed a little jerking that could happen when the human player had missed the ball
- Animation : when missing the ball, the strike animation could kinda pause for an instant
- World Tour : when your player was a Junior, your doubles partner had a better ranking than you and you wanted to enter a doubles Pro tournament, you were queued after all the Pros and thus always ended in the qualifications
- World Tour : doubles specialist with a low Doubles Spirit could get too high skills ; now the Doubles Spirit is raised instead
- Gameplay : the AutoPos could make your player goes in the wrong direction when the ball was very far
- Match Replay : fixed 2 related bugs that together were leading to desync on full match replay

Notes :
- Previous ChangeLog is here : topic11-33468.php
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 26 Mar 2022, 17:09

SubBuild 2022.3.26:

Bug Fixes :
- Text Match : the skills were modified if you were viewing the Character Sheet of the players during the match
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 18 Apr 2022, 10:15

Build 85 - SubBuild 2022.4.18:

Changes :
- Gameplay : now it requires to prepare the strike for at least 0.75 seconds to fully benefit from having the precision above the power (so at 0.375s of preparation, you get only 50% of that bonus) ; that should prevent the player to be nearly immune against faults coming from a too big precision zone ; it's the same when having the precision below the power
- Gameplay : the precision boost from having the precision above the power for the attack, defense & sliced lobs was too big

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : AutoPos on Fast could lead to wrong animation choices as the player was stopping to move a bit too late
- Animation : the CPU could choose the wrong animation in a few extreme cases
- Animation : since the previous build, the animation transition could be jerky when striking the ball on the run
- 2 vs 1 : if CPU was alone against 2 opponents, he was aiming inside the singles court limits instead of the doubles ones

Notes :
- Internal state for the court names changed a bit (due to needed changes for TE4), which may lead to incorrect court icons here or there ; I tried to check everything, but I may have missed something, so if you notice any issues, please let me know..! :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 19 Apr 2022, 14:25

SubBuild 2022.4.19:

Bug Fixes :
- Junior : there were not enough Junior players to fill the draw at the end of the year (as all Junior players had reached their tournament limit per year)
- Training : since the previous update, choosing another training court was selecting a wrong court
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 21 Apr 2022, 09:10

SubBuild 2022.4.21:

Bug Fixes :
- New Game : the game could crash when starting a new career with an existing player
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 22 Apr 2022, 09:38

SubBuild 2022.4.22:

Bug Fixes :
- Recruiting : since the SuBuild 2022.4.18, the game was crashing when recruiting a new player
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 23 Apr 2022, 07:39

SubBuild 2022.4.23:

Bug Fixes :
- Recruiting : the users who had recruited a player with the SubBuilds 2022.4.18-21, got a crash and still went on playing despite it were getting a crash when that new player was traveling ; this specific crash is now fixed but the internal state of the game may be corrupted anyway so it's strongly advised to load a saved game before the recruiting, if you have any
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 26 Apr 2022, 20:04

SubBuild 2022.4.26:

Bug Fixes :
- Recruiting : the game was still crashing after recruiting a player, but silently when the game was saved (showing an out of space message instead :sweat: ), destroying the previous saved game in the process :fear:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 13 May 2022, 06:48

Build 86 - SubBuild 2022.5.13:

New Features :
- Menu : added a Back button in the Match Presentation screen

Changes :
- Animation : when running to the net, the reach is lowered, so the player doesn't stretch too much in weird ways

Bug Fixes :
- Training : the surface speed for the selected court was incorrect (still due to recent changes)
- Animation : when the ball was far from him, the player was making a weird hip movement in the opposite direction at the end of his strike
- Animation : fixed another case where the CPU animation could get out of sync :sweat:
- Player : the player CRC was changing depending on the opponent
- Input : the game will now automatically disable XInput if you have more than 4 controllers plugged in (as 4 is the XInput limit, which could prevent seeing all your controllers in-game)
- World Tour : there were not enough Junior players to fill the draw at the end of the year (as all Junior players had reached their tournament limit per year)
- World Tour : the game could crash when starting a new career with an existing player
- Modding : modded net textures were too bright
- Camera : closing the game while watching a Replay with the Ball Following mode was letting the camera in that state forever (or till you manually changed it back in Settings -> Camera :P )
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 02 Jun 2022, 09:26

Build 88 - SubBuild 2022.6.2:

Changes :
- Gameplay : the Auto-Pos will now make you advance a bit more if the ball is really too low

Bug Fixes :
- Gameplay : when you were standing after the 2nd ball bounce, the Auto-Pos could get wrong and make you miss the ball
- Animation : the player's head was going up/down too slowly, leading to super weird head positioning during the strike :sweat:
- Animation : since a couple of builds, the CPU couldn't change anymore his strike animation if wanted, leading to possibly big desyncs on ball hit
- AI : the CPU could not be able to hit the ball when doing a Backhand smash despite his racket touching it
- Training Club : fixed a crash when going to play in the Training Club right after having won a tournament in the World Tour
- World Tour : fixed a crash when saving a player to the Training Club
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager 2 v1.0f

Postby manutoo » 30 Jun 2022, 07:21

Build 89 ; SubBuild 2022.6.30:

New Features :
- Training Club : can easily import players from the World Tour Base from Training Club -> Character Sheet
- Training Club : can save an unlimited amount of players
- Match : you can now define the number of games in the last set (for human matches), as well as the number of points of the last set tie break (if any)

Changes :
- World Tour : for women, changed PremierM to TET1000, Premier5 to TET900, Premier to TET500 & International to TE250
- Strike : the slice was lowering too much the difficulty of very difficult balls
- Strike : cannot hit a too strong slice anymore when taking the ball very early after the bounce
- Strike : it's now much harder to return a serve (or a smash) very early after the bounce

Bug Fixes :
- Hiring Players : there often were too few doubles specialists in the Hire screen
- Strike : the lob could lead to some crazy balls when hit on a too difficult ball
- AI : the CPU was never doing the Sorry gesture and was doing too many Cheering fist & Raging pump gestures
- Menus : sometimes the menus can totally fail and display "0" everywhere ; it may be fixed now, but I'm not 100% sure :fear:
- Controller (only on the Steam version) : when unplugging & replugging your controller (or when playing with Steam Input on) the game could think a controller wasn't plugged in anymore, which was leading to an incorrect "no controller connected" label in the Settings -> Controls panel
== Mana Games ==

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