Training Points

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Training Points

Postby bmiranda » 15 Apr 2005, 12:24

I just bought TE2004 and i have a doubt regarding the training points.
I began the worl tour and i already earned 60 training points, however, when i try to apply them to my player characteristics appears a menu asking if i want to start a new game. My percentages are droping and even with points i can't use them. What do i have to do?

Another question, is not possible to play world tour in doubles mode?

tennis curious
Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 15 Apr 2005, 12:12

Postby manutoo » 18 Apr 2005, 06:00


you only can apply training points before playing a match after a period of rest.
For each free day before your new tournament, you can spend 6 points.
If you don't have any free day (because you won the last tournament on sunday, and start to play on the next monday), then you won't have any point to distribute.
Everything is explained in the full documentation.

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Postby Guest » 03 Jul 2005, 17:05

u can only add the points at the begining of a tournement. I.E, when u start a glandslam a screen willcome up displaying ur chracter, then and only then can u add points.

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