TE 2006 vs 2007

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

TE 2006 vs 2007

Postby athan_k » 25 May 2007, 20:09


As I posted earlier, I plan to purchase the full version but I have a concern: I am currently running TE 2006 (2d) on my old laptop which has an nvidia geforce 2 go with only 16MB of vram and play online with a dsl connection and the game plays fantastic. However, I am worried that with the 2007 version the game will require much more video graphic power since it will be 3d.

Will you still support the 2006 2d version or will you devote all efforts entirely to the 3d version once you release it? I can already imagine that I will have to go out and buy a new computer but I was hoping to delay the purchase....in any case, from what I understand, you do not plan to release 2007 until the fall or later in the year, is this correct?

Also, I cannot imagine how the online gaming option will work since someone (like me) who might be using the 06 version might be trying to play someone who is using the 07 version and the two are completely different (one 2d, one 3d)

So, given the above, will it be possible to have the online option where those who have the 06 version can play others who also have 06 and those who have the 07 version can play others who have 07?

I would appreciate more info on this, thanks
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Messages: 17
Gaming Since: 24 May 2007, 19:29

Postby manutoo » 27 May 2007, 11:38


once TE2007 will be released, TE2006 won't be supported anymore, except if some annoying bugs are discovered.
But the online mode of TE2006 will be still active, and of course, it won't be compatible with TE2007, so both games will have their own server list & chat room.

TE2007 won't be 100% in 3D, only the players. So it won't need a too powerful 3D card. I'm not sure if a Geforce 2 Go will be enough, but a Geforce 3 with 64 MB will surely be more than enough.
== Mana Games ==

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