problem with service speed

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

problem with service speed

Postby Guest » 19 May 2007, 23:54

I'm having a problem with second serves against the CPU (1st serves in fair mode online). My average seems to be around 100mph. I have everything at 100%, but I'm getting a lot of 98 mph second serves. But the computer and other players I play seem to get around the 103-107 range. Is there something wrong on my end? Seems this happened a while ago after one of the newer builds was released. I am using gamepad. Do I need to press keys harder or lighter? I've tried everything.

Postby manutoo » 21 May 2007, 17:12


the service is a bit faster when you :
- slice it (push up)
- lift it (push down)
- send it with an external trajectory (ie : not to the middle of the court)
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