help [how to improve skills in World Tour ?]

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

help [how to improve skills in World Tour ?]

Postby Please help! » 04 Feb 2007, 02:32


I'm playing world tour on junoir level, and i seem to be stuck.

Can I adjust the percentage of my shots? Because when i go onto character sheet, and i have 150points+ i can't seem to put the percentage up.

Will i just stay the same through out the whole tour?

PLEASE REPLY. How do I get my character better?
Please help!

Re: help

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2007, 10:14


to improve your skills, you have to do some training.
You can train in the "TRAINING" screen that pops up before you enter every new tournament.
To do some training, you must have some free days before the tournament.

More info here : ... l#training
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Postby Guest » 04 Feb 2007, 14:49

I still dont get it.

When I enter a tournament it says "training" at the top then when i go to press the tick it just takes me to the match?!

Do I have to go to training, which takes me to warm up or match?!

I'm still 'ost. :(

Postby manutoo » 04 Feb 2007, 18:46

just click on the skills you want to improve.
You must have some free days and some training points to improve any skill.

Once you're done, click on "Done", and you'll start to play your tournament.
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Postby Guest » 04 Feb 2007, 19:43

How do you get free days?

Miss a weeks worth of touraments?

Postby manutoo » 05 Feb 2007, 08:26

yes, or lose before the final.
== Mana Games ==

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