new player [Available key combinations]

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

new player [Available key combinations]

Postby paulie the new person » 26 Nov 2006, 22:32

i am new to the mac version could someone send me the original key directions?? I had them on the demo version, but when i purchased the game, i do not have which keys do what

I know it is a question of a beginner, but please send

thanks in advance

paulie the new person

Postby manutoo » 28 Nov 2006, 13:10


you have the list of the possible key combinations in the documentations in the "Doc" sub-directory :
- En_OrderFullVersion.html
- En_QuickStart.html

Here the details:
"All available strikes
(b1 = Left Alt; b2 = Left Ctrl)

* b1 = normal strike
* b2 = safe strike
* b1+b2 = acceleration
* b1 + up = short ball
* b2 + up = slice
* b1 + down = lift
* b2 + down = defensive lob
* b1+b2+up = drop shot
* b1+b2+down = aggressive lob

Up and down are inverted when you control the player who is on the top of the screen.
== Mana Games ==

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