Sudden drop in points

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Sudden drop in points

Postby jim099 » 21 Oct 2006, 14:23

Hi I was playing doubles in the easiest mode (2005 version) and found that my points never drops (the forehand is always around 98%) etc even if I play consecutive weeks. I never had to adjust the points even if I stopped playing for a few weeks - so no adjustment possible, and no adjustment necessary.

I played Wimbledon as singles and doubles & won both, beating Federer 6-0 6-0 in the semis! :) :D Right after that, for the next tourney, I couldn;t even hit an ace for some unknown. My "stregnth" points just dropped to 40%! Is there a way to "recover" this? I don't mind a gradual drop like its supposed to but to drop so quickly is not very nice! :)

On a separate point, is there some way I can make Youzhny my doubles partner? I was so inspired by the way he played at the US Open! I worked my ass off to get to No. 1 in doubles but never met him on the way there.
tennis curious
Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 21 Oct 2006, 14:17

Re: Sudden drop in points

Postby Guest » 22 Oct 2006, 10:43

Can the strength of the player be manually adjusted? Not sure how to do it

Postby manutoo » 31 Oct 2006, 17:52


sorry for the long delay to answer this. I thought I already answered this, but it seems I didn't...

I'm not sure what happened with your skills, maybe you selected a tournament which was a long time after the last one (by doing mistake on the current wekk, you can easily select a tournament on next year, 51 weeks later).

Anyway, it'd be better to update to TE2006.

And nope, there's no way to select the exact double partner you wish.
And you can't manually set your skills.
== Mana Games ==

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