Questions about editing

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Questions about editing

Postby Guest » 18 Oct 2006, 16:42

First i want to say great game :D
I am considering to buy it after playing the demo for a couple of days.

But i have some questions about the editing part .

1 . Would it be possible to edit the players looks in paint or photoshop so
they resemble real players ?

2. Would it in the same way be possible to add a dubblehanded backhand??
realy missing that :wink:

Thanx for a great game , looking forward to the next version in 3d , hoppfully as good as this one :wink:

Postby manutoo » 18 Oct 2006, 17:09


First, thanks ! ;)

1. Short answer, no.
Long answer : you have the possibility to change the sprites, but it's a titanic work. If you're a good pixel artist, count around 1 month to do it, I guess...

2. Same answer, you'd have to change the sprite, which would need a short week, in best case, I guess.

In TE2007, it'll be possible to paint the skin of the player so you could make him look like a famous player, and the game will have both single and double-handed backhand. But TE2007 won't be there before long time (not before June 2007, I guess...)
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