how do i change a court color ?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

how do i change a court color ?

Postby illstayhidden » 04 Oct 2006, 14:49

hey admin i have got full version of tennis elbow and i really enjoy playin it i just wanna ask one thing how do i change the colours of the court for example i want a court to become yellow in colour so that it becomes sort of a sand court ,also one more thing i have read almost all topics in the forum and the howtomod.html but none of them explain it in detail and properly so please help.

thanks in advance

Postby manutoo » 05 Oct 2006, 07:35


you cannot change any court except the Blue-Green Cement.
To do so, report to the last section of the HowToMod.html :

"How to add a court ?

To add a court, extract the directory Data\Court07, and then copy everything from it to Data\CustomCourt01 (you have to create this directory).

Edit the icon "Menu\Art\ico\CustomCourt01.tga".
Now, it's done, Tennis Elbow will see this new court !
To edit the texture, launch your favourite painter program (Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc...) and open the file Data\CustomCourt01\Court.jpg . You'll have also to modify all the .bmp files, which are the sprite files.
You can also edit the Court.ini to modify the ball rebound physic & sound, and the skid sounds.

If you want to see this court in tournament mode, edit the "Data\Tour.Ini" file.
In section "[Court]", add this line :
NewCourt = 8
(you can replace NewCourt by anything you want)
And then, in a tournament section, change the ground to :
Ground = NewCourt

You can have up to 4 custom courts.

If you want to change the BG Cement color without adding a new court, extract the Data\Court07\Court.jpg file and then edit it with Photoshop, or PSP, etc...
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 05 Oct 2006, 07:51

hey thanks manutoo just tell me one more thing is it possible to change the speed of the courts if possible then how

Postby manutoo » 05 Oct 2006, 08:01

yup, as stated just above :
You can also edit the Court.ini to modify the ball rebound physic & sound, and the skid sounds.

You can edit this file for every court, not only the BG Cement (there's one copy for each "Data\Court0x" directory).
But take care, if you change it, you couldn't play online with this court anymore.

For example :
[Physics] // Clay
Friction = 0.50
Elasticity = 0.67

Actually, "Friction" is "Speed after rebound", so the bigger it is, the faster the ball will go after the rebound.
The "Elasticity" influence the rebound height.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby illstayhidden » 05 Oct 2006, 11:01

my friends internet is not working so he cannot update his full version of tennis elbow 2005 so can you tell me that can we add new courts in 2005

Postby manutoo » 05 Oct 2006, 11:39


I forgot how it was exactly in TE2005. It was not so simple than in TE2006, so it'll be better if you could find a way to update to TE2006. Else, refer to the HowToMod.html packaged with TE2005.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 05 Oct 2006, 12:41

hey manutoo its unfortunate for him that he is not musch computer related person so he cant understand it much but if you can try to tell me in detail about 2005 i may be able to help him.please try.


Postby manutoo » 09 Oct 2006, 09:01


all is in my previous answer...
And adding a court to Tennis Elbow is not for people knowing not much about computers, you must have good computer skills, and then the explanation you already have should be enough...
== Mana Games ==

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