Use on Limited rights account?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Use on Limited rights account?

Postby Forehand » 23 Sep 2006, 04:45

I have Windows XP. I install programs under an account with XP administrator rights, but operate on daily basis using an XP limited rights account.

Question: If I install the game under an administrator account, can I play it under a limited account on the same computer?
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 8
Gaming Since: 18 Sep 2006, 06:10

Postby manutoo » 23 Sep 2006, 11:04


I never tried, but I guess it should work, as Tennis Elbow does nothing special on the system...

If you encounter any trouble, let me know, I'll see if it's possible to fix it.
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Postby Forehand » 30 Sep 2006, 19:40

For the demo, I noticed the trial day (days left) were not updating properly. I'm guessing since I loaded under an admin account, and played it under a limited rights account, the limited rights account does not have the priviliges to modify the file that tracks the trial days.

When I bought the game, I gave my limited rights account temporary admin priviliges and installed under that account, then changed back to limited rights. So far I have not experienced any problems.
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 8
Gaming Since: 18 Sep 2006, 06:10

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