
General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow


Postby Serena_Fan » 22 Aug 2006, 17:31

Should there be 150 women and 150 men in the game

Should there be mixed doubles

Should you person be able to go to the Olympics on the game

Should you be able to spend your money on things like a House, Cars, Vacations, etc.

Should it be more like the sims where you either make or break your persons career

Should the game have more major tournaments like the Family Circle Cup in South Carolina, Nasdaque Open 100 etc.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 51
Gaming Since: 22 Aug 2006, 16:54

Postby Guest » 22 Aug 2006, 17:58

Having women would be cool. But, being a man who bases his career character on himself, I don't care that much. Though, of course many people would love it.

If women are in, mixed doubles would follow.

Having the Olympic tourney pop up every four years in career would be great.

RPG elements would be great, but it's a small indy developer. They don't have that much resources. They should stick to focusing on gameplay and tour format. On the subject of buying, though; are you able to buy equipment to boost certain attributes when used? That would be good as it has an effect on the gameplay.

Does it not have generic versions of these? There are liscensing issues at play. I'm sure Luis' mod pinned at the top of the forum has them, though maybe with just their location names.

Postby Serena_Fan » 22 Aug 2006, 23:52

Anonymous wrote:Having women would be cool. But, being a man who bases his career character on himself, I don't care that much. Though, of course many people would love it.

If women are in, mixed doubles would follow.

Having the Olympic tourney pop up every four years in career would be great.

RPG elements would be great, but it's a small indy developer. They don't have that much resources. They should stick to focusing on gameplay and tour format. On the subject of buying, though; are you able to buy equipment to boost certain attributes when used? That would be good as it has an effect on the gameplay.

Does it not have generic versions of these? There are liscensing issues at play. I'm sure Luis' mod pinned at the top of the forum has them, though maybe with just their location names.

I don't know? But what is a .ddl file? It says I'm missing that so I can't play the game. I talked to the maker f the game he said he'll put that into consideration. Also you'll be able to buy endurance and other necassary things the player needs witout having to train for it.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 51
Gaming Since: 22 Aug 2006, 16:54

Postby Guest » 23 Aug 2006, 04:35

I don't know about .ddl, but if you mean .dll, that's a driver. Do you not have directx? Which specific file is it?

Postby manutoo » 23 Aug 2006, 06:50


>> the .dll
I guess you didn't install DirectX 8.1 (or above) on your PC.
You can download it from here : ... downloads/

If it's not that, then tell me the name of the missing .dll and what is your windows version, so I could know what's going on.

>> Women
I hope to add women within 1 year and half, probably for TE2008.

>> Why can't you spend your money on new clothes?
Because it's really not an important part of tennis... :-)
I have limited time and resources, so I spend them on the most important parts first, the ones that the most people want to see in the game.

>> buy a house
For TE2006, I wouldn't consider to add this, as it's really a very far peripheral aspect of tennis game.
But for the tennis manager, it's an interesting idea to add the possibility to buy a house for the coached players, I'll see what I can do.

>> Nasdaq Open 100
As all other ATP tournaments, it's already there, but for obvious trademark issues, it's named from its city : Key Biscayne.
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