Smash: help

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Smash: help

Postby Guest » 21 Jul 2006, 22:46

I like, like in real life, to play aggreesively (serve & volley) but when my opps makes a lob I really can't smash, I can figure where the ball is.

Any help please?

Postby philoumiha » 21 Jul 2006, 23:21


It's not really easy to feel where exactly is the ball. The best way to smash is to stay to the service line. You will success to do about 75% of smash (in my case).

I hope I helped you.

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court crocodile
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Postby manutoo » 23 Jul 2006, 06:07


to smash, try to be place yourself on the service line, and if the lob is really high, you will have to go even of bit more far.

To figure where is going the ball, try to focus on its shadow, it's a lot easier to appreciate its direction...
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