Can you serve aces stright down middle?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Can you serve aces stright down middle?

Postby Guest » 30 May 2006, 15:06

I can serve aces out wide whilst serving on either side, but no matter how its placed, even right on the "T", it seems impossible to ace down the middle.

My service percentage is about 85. Can you ace down the middle with a higher % or is it still pretty impossible???

Postby manutoo » 30 May 2006, 15:54


yup, it's very unlikely to do an ace on the T line. To do some, you have to use the sliced service, and even so, in the higher difficulty levels (ie: Pro and above), you'll do only a few aces.

With a better %, you'll do a bit more aces.
If you want to do a quick try, you can go in the "Training Club", and set your service to whatever you want, set your opponent form (that determines his speed) and difficulty level (that determines his reflexes), and see what happens exactly...
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Postby Forehand » 14 Oct 2006, 02:36

Woohoo! Got two sliced serve aces down the middle at Pro level. I was serving in high 90%. It can be done!
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Postby Leena » 21 Oct 2006, 16:15

Yes. It's quite easy if you build your serve to 100% and figure out how to maneuver the curves of your serve. :)
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