Ok I have some questions..
First of all I notice in demo you can hit lobs / drop shots , well my opponent can , I however have found no keys that can do this ..why ?
Also do other shots exists i.e. slice ?
Are all players single handed ?
Is there any way you'll be doing an update that might include these features if their not there ?
I like the game .. but I do have some complaints in no particulair order
1. the volleying is horrible and not nice to play, this is my chief complaint
2. the serve is limited no slice , spins etc
3. the movement sometimes skids around so you over run the shots, esp wrong footing ones
4. different raquet might be interesting
5. everyone hits the ball the same i.e. no long swings / short swings etc
6. no apparent doublehanders in site....
7. no reverse or running forehands
But other than that the base rallies are challanging and that for me is what makes the game compared to other ones..
Super Tennis is probably still my fav game because I love volleying but the baseline rallies are nice