some questions ?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

some questions ?

Postby bigbangboom » 22 Sep 2004, 06:22

Ok I have some questions..

First of all I notice in demo you can hit lobs / drop shots , well my opponent can , I however have found no keys that can do this ..why ?

Also do other shots exists i.e. slice ?

Are all players single handed ?

Is there any way you'll be doing an update that might include these features if their not there ?

I like the game .. but I do have some complaints in no particulair order

1. the volleying is horrible and not nice to play, this is my chief complaint
2. the serve is limited no slice , spins etc
3. the movement sometimes skids around so you over run the shots, esp wrong footing ones
4. different raquet might be interesting
5. everyone hits the ball the same i.e. no long swings / short swings etc
6. no apparent doublehanders in site....
7. no reverse or running forehands

But other than that the base rallies are challanging and that for me is what makes the game compared to other ones..

Super Tennis is probably still my fav game because I love volleying but the baseline rallies are nice


Re: some questions ?

Postby manutoo » 23 Sep 2004, 13:08

bigbangboom wrote:First of all I notice in demo you can hit lobs / drop shots , well my opponent can , I however have found no keys that can do this ..why ?

coz u didn't read the info page that appeared at the end of the installation ! ;)

All available strikes
(b1 = Left Shift; b2 = Left Ctrl)

* b1 = normal strike
* b2 = safe strike
* b1+b2 = acceleration
* b1 + up = short ball
* b2 + up = slice
* b1 + down = lift
* b2 + down = defensive lob
* b1+b2+up = drop shot
* b1+b2+down = aggressive lob

Also do other shots exists i.e. slice ?

see above... :)

Are all players single handed ?


Is there any way you'll be doing an update that might include these features if their not there ?

there'll be update, but it won't include double-handed players.

1. the volleying is horrible and not nice to play, this is my chief complaint

could u describe a bit more why u don't like it, and what would u expect in the volley gameplay ?

2. the serve is limited no slice , spins etc

again, read the doc..... ;)

The service is executed with the same method than the other shots, with a slight difference: whatever the buttons combination, a push-up causes a slice and a push-down causes a lift.

3. the movement sometimes skids around so you over run the shots, esp wrong footing ones

with a bit more of training, u'll master this point, and u'll see how useful it is.

6. no apparent doublehanders in site....

what is a "doublehander" ..?
I'm not sure, but I guess u mean "double"... And yes, u can play double; u can set it up in the game options.

Thanks for all your comments !
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Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France


Postby bigbangboom » 10 Oct 2004, 07:06

What i don't like about the volleys is that fact they are too fast and play more like tennis strokes or swings at the net.

It would be nice to see them more out infront blocked with far less movement and more or punched effect rather than a swing.

Check out the volleys in virtua tennis , or even super tennis and compare them to yours and you will see what I mean .

also your volleys seem to go from low - high instead of vice versa

It is almost impossible to win volleying in your game at the higher levels.

Doublehander - means two handed backhands something very common in todays game as you prob aware.

The players themselves IMO also seem to lean or tall and might look better shorter , I just feels like they've been stretched IMO

The slice too is dissapointing it only works when you press forward on the keyboard meaing you can only effectively slice down the t or the middle of the court .

Like I said this is nice game , I'm only pointing this is out as tennis fan and what I feel is wrong with it , your idea of shots of varying power is very nice thats prob what I like the most about your game as it does not exist really in other games , the one thing however i notce missing is the ability to really hit short acute angles .

These are my thoughts and your welcome to ignore them , I like what your doing a lot , I just think it would be so much better with more of things I pointed out . :D

Postby manutoo » 11 Oct 2004, 13:29


so 1st... About 30% of what is in Tennis Elbow today came from comments of all users, and I think it's a very valuable part, so no, I won't ignore u... Bad luck ! :P

1) About the volley
What u mainly don't like is the animation, right ?
Unfortunately, it's a very hard part to change.

> also your volleys seem to go from low
yup, that's right. Often, it's close of reality (it's hard to send down a ball that is not really above the level of net).
But it's sure, sometimes, it's a bit weird. I'll give a try to ameliorate this.

> It is almost impossible to win volleying
> in your game at the higher levels.

It is, really ! Just use the acceleration and the drop shot wisely at the net, and u'll make it.

2) Doublehander
ouch ! I should have got it ... :oops:
And, I'd like to have them in Tennis Elbow, but for production reason, it's not possible.

3) The players
I'll do a little test by stretching them...

4) The slice
I guess u did the short shot (b1+up), and not the slice (b2+up).

Thanks again for ur comments !
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Messages: 19536
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

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