What a great game! [where to get the older demo of TE2005]

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

What a great game! [where to get the older demo of TE2005]

Postby Guest » 18 Apr 2006, 18:25

This is a awesome game,It really rocks,great Job.

Where Can I download Tennis elbow 2005
when I click any link on the net I download 2006 version
so can you give the link to download tennis elbow 2005(demo ofcourse) :wink:

Keep up the good work,you rock and your games.

Postby Steven » 18 Apr 2006, 18:29

oooops,I forgot to put user name it's me steven who posted this
so can you give me the link to tennis elbow 2005 (demo)
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 18 Apr 2006, 18:14

Postby manutoo » 18 Apr 2006, 21:48


sorry, Tennis Elbow 2005 is only available for registered users now.

Is there any special reason for you to wish to play the version 2005 instead of the 2006 one ?

(if you're already a registered user, send me an email)
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Steven » 19 Apr 2006, 13:59

manutoo wrote:Hello,

sorry, Tennis Elbow 2005 is only available for registered users now.

Is there any special reason for you to wish to play the version 2005 instead of the 2006 one ?

(if you're already a registered user, send me an email)

What do you mean by registered user,I registered at you site for this forum
,Is that what you meant?

I liked 2005 ver. better that's why I want to download the demo.

You rock you are the best.
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 18 Apr 2006, 18:14

Postby manutoo » 23 Apr 2006, 10:14


the demo version of TE2005 is almost identical to the TE2006 one, except TE2006 has network support and a few other improvements, the only interest of TE2005 is to have the tournament mode of the year 2005 that is unavailable in the demo anyway.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 18 Aug 2006, 07:24

sounds like he could only find a crack for the 2005 version!

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