2007 for free ?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

2007 for free ?

Postby bloo » 23 Mar 2006, 02:18

will 2005 and 06 users get o7 for free?

Postby manutoo » 23 Mar 2006, 06:31


Tennis Elbow 2007 will be a new version, not an update (a bit like the difference between 2005 from 2004).
Right now, its release date is unknown, the total of new features is unknown, and the amount of work needed is unknown, but it's quite probable that TE2007 will be available to TE2005/TE2006 users with a 50% discount. (And TE2006 will be free for TE2005 users :) )
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