How to hit smashes

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

How to hit smashes

Postby Simon » 25 Jul 2004, 08:35

This is a great game and very addictive. When playing the world tours, it makes it more exciting when you get to the following year and have to defend your points.

I've practised (or tried to) to hit a great smash, but they never are as hard or effective as the ones my opponents hit (and this is even when my smashing is at 100%).

What buttons should I press to get an effective hard smash that my opponents won't be able to hit back? Also, when I try and hit, i swing and the ball bounces away from me like i trod on it or something.

Any help?


Postby manutoo » 25 Jul 2004, 20:30


to do a great smash, try to be place yourself on the service line, then press both buttons to do an acceleration, and then you'll hit a cannon ball ! :)
If you still feel it's not fast like ur opponent shots, it's coz of the optical artefact from the perspective.

have a nice game,
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Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

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