How to beat the "Pro difficulty" mode ?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

How to beat the "Pro difficulty" mode ?

Postby Guest » 09 Jul 2004, 14:54

Hi There,
thanks for the Easy Mode tips. It works great...splendid!
And, well..
just like you said...
I guess I should go right ahead and ask as well - what tips you would give for beating Medium Mode?

And while we're on the subject, perhaps you might as well offer some tips for Hard Mode and Incredible Mode too! ;-)
Many Thanks,

Postby manutoo » 09 Jul 2004, 14:57

- the easy difficulty has been renamed to "Club"
- the medium difficulty has been renamed to "Pro"
- the hard difficulty has been renamed to "Master"



unfortunately, there's no so much tips to beat the medium skill ! :)
There're still these 2 advices I already gave you last time :
<<< - in tournament mode, one of the difference is that you start with less points in skills, so your shots are not so efficient, and it takes a bit of time to raise them. At the beginning, you should prefer to raise the Form and the Forehand (or the Backhand).
- in a general way, like in real tennis, you have to learn where to place yourself on the court : a bit after the baseline, and in the center of the field your opponent can send the ball. >>>

Depending of your natural talent (reflexes, precision, concentration, etc...), the medium skill can be the right challenge for you, and you won't need to play in hard mode.
The main thing to beat it is to practise and play a lot.
So anyway, here a few general skills you'll need to improve to beat the medium skill, and even more to beat the hard skill :
- aim the left or right lines with your accelerations fed with a 80+ forehand and/or backhand percentage
- raise your form skill to 80% or more
- when you can't shot a winning acceleration, use the lifted shot (b1+down), and wait for good occasions (a more short and centered ball from your opponent) to shot your accelerations
- you can try to serve and volley, if you like this kind of strategy
- use the short shot against defender players can be a good tactic
- the volleyers get closer of the net after each strike, so do 3 short shots to make them come very close of the net, then shot an aggressive lob to beat them
- always do little left & right moves when waiting for your opponent shots and services, you'll start to run more quickly

When you'll bore beating the Hard skill, you could try to fight the incredible one. But then, you won't need advices anymore ! ;-)

Have a nice game
Last edited by manutoo on 22 Oct 2005, 09:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Clay_Player » 13 Aug 2005, 02:49

Thanks for the tip .
tennis enthusiastic
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Postby Guest » 22 Jul 2006, 21:22

Well I have a strategy thats kinda cheap but works. Drop shot and run up to the net, he should drop shot, then before the ball bounces do and accelerate away from him.

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