"soul = 0" (or 1) means this player is controlled by human, and "soul = 2" (or 3) means this player is controlled by computer.
About stress, and other stuff for match simulations, here the parameters :
- Code: Select all
StressMinDiff = 1000
StressLowering = 1.0 // difference *= StressLowering
StressPow = 5 // difference *= Pow(random[0, 1], StressPow)
//===> Higher Skill -= difference
FormLowering = 0.4 // ratio = FormLowering
FormPow = 6 // ratio *= Pow(random[0, 1], FormPow)
//===> Skill *= 1 - ratio
All of these parameters only apply in the match simulation, done to create scores in the draw of tournaments.
If you actually play a match with your player, these parameters aren't used.
"FormLowering" is the maximal coefficient of strength loss, to simulate the form of the day.
At 0.4, it lowers the player strength at a maximum of 40%.
This coefficient is multiplied per a random number between 0 and 1, modified by "FormPow".
The more “FormPow” is big, the more the maximum form lowering will be rare. The more it’s small, the more the maximum form lowering will be frequent.
Both players have their own form of the day.
These 2 parameters are the ones that really raise the chances of good players to lose against players weaker than them.
"StressPow" is there to simulate the stress of the strongest player. Only the strongest player is affected.
His strength is lowered to get closer of the weakest player.
The more “StressPow” is big, the more rare the strongest player will be at the level of the weakest one. The more it’s small, the more often the strongest player will be at the level of the weakest one.
This parameter help to have more balanced matches, sometimes, between 1 very good player and 1 very weak player.
But it also makes closer 2 players already close, so “StressMinDiff” is used to cancel the stress when 2 players are close enough.
I hope it's understandable ... I'm afraid my English skills show their limit...