What are the Different Shots available ?

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

What are the Different Shots available ?

Postby Hibachi » 15 Jul 2008, 10:48

I'm brand new so i was wondering what are the different shots in the game and how to do them. I also dont understand the acceleration concept. Is there a specific button to do this. And what functions do the buttons x and z perform?
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Gaming Since: 15 Jul 2008, 10:32

Postby manutoo » 15 Jul 2008, 11:29


the list of available strikes is here :
https://www.managames.com/tennis/doc/Ten ... ml#strikes

x & z are shorcuts for top spin & slice effects (b1+down & b2+up).

The acceleration is a strong strike done when pressing b1+b2 at same time.
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