See my player at the lower end of screen

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

See my player at the lower end of screen

Postby Charlie » 06 Jan 2008, 00:43

Hi Manatoo,

Thanks for a very good game. Looking forward to upcoming updates - especially players in 3D.

Question: My player at the low end of the screen: If I go far to the left or to the right or back away from the baseline I can,t see the player anymore let alone the ball as well - is this supposed to be so or is there a setting i am not getting. My opponent on the top of the screen I can see where ever he/she is.

If this this is not possible right now I would like to have this changed in future updates.


Postby manutoo » 06 Jan 2008, 14:59


in case you didn't notice, there's a big blue arrow popping up to show approximately where's your player when he's off the screen.

In TE2008, I might do some changes so we could actually see the player when he's on left/right, but nothing is sure now... :roll:
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Postby Guest » 07 Jan 2008, 23:08

Thanks Manatoo - I understand and there is nothing wrong with settings etc. Anyway it would be more realistic of course to "always see your own player" - hope it will be "available" soon

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