Tennis Elbow on Linux

General discussions about the 2nd edition of Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow on Linux

Postby FilipeMB » 30 Nov 2007, 18:54

I'm trying to run Tennis Elbow 2006 (and TEM) in Wine on Linux but i can't get the mouse pointer to work on this. could give me a help? i mean, maybe if the mouse pointer would not be an animated tennis ball it could work.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby manutoo » 01 Dec 2007, 07:06


can you describe a bit more the problem ?
What happens exactly ?
You cannot see the ball cursor ? Or it's not moving ? Something else ..?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19589
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby FilipeMB » 02 Dec 2007, 04:04

the cursor is moving (i move the mouse and i "see results of my movement" in the screen) but i cannot see the ball cursor.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby manutoo » 03 Dec 2007, 07:52


in the Tennis.ini (or the .ini of your current profile, can you change this line, under [3dEngine] :
MultiPass = 0
to :
MultiPass = 1

Also, could you copy the System.log file here (or send it to my email if you have it)...?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19589
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby FilipeMB » 03 Dec 2007, 14:49

===> GameSys Init <=== (core version: 1.1.00; date: Nov 6 2007, 17:38:22; for: Tennis Elbow 2006 1.0c)

CpuName: Unknown

CPU Id: x86 Family 6 Model 2 Stepping 9 (GenuineIntel)

Speed: 2800 mhz; RAM: 1264 MB

OS: Unknown v5.1 build #2600 (Service Pack 2)

DirectX version: 9.0 (0x00090000)

Connected to Internet : INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN

Opened Pak 'Data\Pak01.Pak', with 809 files inside

Language = English

=====> Devices init <=====

Mouse Type: DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE / 2 (Mouse / Wine Mouse)

=====> 3D engine init <=====

3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.90; date: Oct 15 2007; time: 14:04:37

DDD - Name: 1-Direct3D HAL; Device: Display

Display Device: 1-Direct3D HAL

GM 0: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 88 hz)

GM 1: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 88 hz)

GM 2: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 89 hz)

GM 3: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 89 hz)

GM 4: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 90 hz)

GM 5: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 90 hz)

GM 6: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 84 hz)

GM 7: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 84 hz)

GM 8: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 85 hz)

GM 9: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 85 hz)

GM 10: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 86 hz)

GM 11: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 86 hz)

GM 12: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 87 hz)

GM 13: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 87 hz)

GM 14: (416 x 312, 32 bits, 83 hz)

GM 15: (416 x 312, 16 bits, 83 hz)

GM 16: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 80 hz)

GM 17: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 80 hz)

GM 18: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 81 hz)

GM 19: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 81 hz)

GM 20: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 82 hz)

GM 21: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 82 hz)

GM 22: (576 x 432, 32 bits, 79 hz)

GM 23: (576 x 432, 16 bits, 79 hz)

GM 24: (640 x 384, 32 bits, 78 hz)

GM 25: (640 x 384, 16 bits, 78 hz)

GM 26: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 77 hz)

GM 27: (640 x 400, 16 bits, 77 hz)

GM 28: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 53 hz)

GM 29: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 53 hz)

GM 30: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 74 hz)

GM 31: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 74 hz)

GM 32: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 75 hz)

GM 33: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 75 hz)

GM 34: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 76 hz)

GM 35: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 76 hz)

GM 36: (640 x 512, 32 bits, 72 hz)

GM 37: (640 x 512, 16 bits, 72 hz)

GM 38: (640 x 512, 32 bits, 73 hz)

GM 39: (640 x 512, 16 bits, 73 hz)

GM 40: (720 x 450, 32 bits, 71 hz)

GM 41: (720 x 450, 16 bits, 71 hz)

GM 42: (800 x 512, 32 bits, 70 hz)

GM 43: (800 x 512, 16 bits, 70 hz)

GM 44: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 52 hz)

GM 45: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 52 hz)

GM 46: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 65 hz)

GM 47: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 65 hz)

GM 48: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 66 hz)

GM 49: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 66 hz)

GM 50: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 67 hz)

GM 51: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 67 hz)

GM 52: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 68 hz)

GM 53: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 68 hz)

GM 54: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 69 hz)

GM 55: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 69 hz)

GM 56: (832 x 624, 32 bits, 64 hz)

GM 57: (832 x 624, 16 bits, 64 hz)

GM 58: (840 x 525, 32 bits, 63 hz)

GM 59: (840 x 525, 16 bits, 63 hz)

GM 60: (896 x 672, 32 bits, 62 hz)

GM 61: (896 x 672, 16 bits, 62 hz)

GM 62: (960 x 600, 32 bits, 61 hz)

GM 63: (960 x 600, 16 bits, 61 hz)

GM 64: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 51 hz)

GM 65: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 51 hz)

GM 66: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 59 hz)

GM 67: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 59 hz)

GM 68: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)

GM 69: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)

GM 70: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 58 hz)

GM 71: (1152 x 864, 16 bits, 58 hz)

GM 72: (1280 x 768, 32 bits, 57 hz)

GM 73: (1280 x 768, 16 bits, 57 hz)

GM 74: (1280 x 800, 32 bits, 56 hz)

GM 75: (1280 x 800, 16 bits, 56 hz)

GM 76: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 55 hz)

GM 77: (1280 x 960, 16 bits, 55 hz)

GM 78: (1280 x 1024, 32 bits, 50 hz)

GM 79: (1280 x 1024, 16 bits, 50 hz)

GM 80: (1280 x 1024, 32 bits, 54 hz)

GM 81: (1280 x 1024, 16 bits, 54 hz)

=========> D3D info <==========

Mode set to 1024x768x16 (60hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Fullscreen)

Mem available for Textures: 61 MB

HW Rasterization: Yes; HW TnL: Yes

Supported patches: NPatches : No; Bezier : No; RT : Yes

HW Clipping of TL Vertex : Yes

ColorWriteEnable : Yes

Can render patches efficiently without caching : No

Z compare func:

Never: On

Less: On

Equal: On

LessEqual: On

Greater: On

NotEqual: On

GreaterEqual: On

Always: On

Anti-aliasing => Edge: No

Z Bias: Yes

Fog Range: Yes

Fog PixelTable: Yes

Fog Vertex: Yes

W-Fog: Yes

W-Buffer: No

HSR without ZBuffer: No

Poly Z Test: Yes

MipMap Bias: Yes

Max PointSize: 63.375

Max Anisotropy: 16

Max MaxActiveLights: 8

Alpha => Gouraud: Yes; Texture: Yes; Palette: Yes

SrcBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero

DstBlend: DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcColor Zero

ColorOp: Add AddSigned AddSigned2X AddSmooth BlendCurrentAlpha BlendDiffuseAlpha BlendFactorAlpha BlendTextureAlpha BlendTextureAlphaPM BumpEnvMap Disable DotProduct3 Lerp Modulate Modulate2X Modulate4X ModulateAlpha_AddColor ModulateColor_AddAlpha ModulateInvalpha_AddColor ModulateInvColor_AddAlpha MultiplyAdd SelectArg1 SelectArg2 Subtract

TexAddress: Border Clamp IndependentUV Mirror MirrorOnce Wrap

Texture must be Power of 2: No

Texture must be square: No

Volumetric texture: Yes

Texture size: Min(1, 1); Max(4096, 4096)

Texture projection: PerPixel

Max Blend Stages: 8; Max Simultaneous Textures: 4; Max Tex Coord : 8

Max Texture Repeat: 32768

Max Texture Aspect Ratio: 4096

GuardBand from (0, 0) to (0, 0)

Need to strip FVF : Yes

VertexShader Version : 1.1

PixelShader Version : 1.4

MaxNumber of streams : 16

=========> end of D3D info <==========

Texture: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB

Texture: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB

Texture: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB

Texture: X1R5G5B5 16 bits RGB

Texture: A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB

Texture: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB

Texture: R3G3B2 08 bits RGB

Texture: A8 08 bits ALPHA

Texture: X4R4G4B4 16 bits RGB

Texture: P8 08 bits PAL

Texture: L8 08 bits

Texture: A8L8 16 bits ALPHA

Texture: A4L4 08 bits ALPHA

Texture: V8U8 16 bits Bump

Texture: L6V5U5 16 bits Bump

Texture: X8L8V8U8 32 bits Bump

Texture: Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump

Texture: V16U16 32 bits Bump

Texture: DXT1 -8 bits Compressed

Texture: DXT2 -8 bits Compressed

Texture: DXT3 -8 bits Compressed

Texture: DXT4 -8 bits Compressed

Texture: DXT5 -8 bits Compressed

==> Pal8 Tex: P8 08 bits PAL

==> RgbX Tex: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB

==> RgbA Tex: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB

Linear Fog On

=====> Shaders init <=====

Validate 0: 1

Validate 1: 1

Validate 2: 1

Validate 3: 1

Validate 4: 1

Validate 6: 1

Load shader file 'SpecialFx\WaterMirror.Shader'

Load shader file 'Scripts\Global.Shader'

Load shader file 'Scripts\Fx.Shader'

Load shader file 'Scripts\HUD.Shader'

Load shader file 'Scripts\Menu.Shader'

70 Shaders loaded: 102 stages, 114 TcMod, 37 DeformVertex and 0 AnimMaps

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Radius: 1.41421

Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)

Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Back to rendering

Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

=====> Sound init <=====

SoundCaps: Freq min = 100; Freq max = 200000; PrimaryChannel = 2; Prim8b = 1; Prim16b = 1; 2nd8b = 1; 2nd16 = 1

Sound Card => Primary Stereo : yes; Buffer Stereo : yes

===> TE2006 Init <=== (version: 1.0c; build: 42; date: Nov 6 2007; time: 22:16:38)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Textures\NotFound.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)

238 countries found

Loaded 'Data\Players.Ini' with 500 players

Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.Ini' with 19 categories

Loaded 'Data\Tour.Ini' with 236 tournaments

Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 336 KB)

=====> Menu init <=====

sizeof => item: 268 (216 for GI); menu: 260; action: 12; param = 24; Cfg = 52

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Meshes\Textures\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt02.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt04.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet02.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudInfoBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudBallYellow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudBallRed.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TrainingClub.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Club01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WarmUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Match.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Play.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayOptions.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NW_Slow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NW_Drop.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TeYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Controls.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NetWork.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_FavPartner.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStat.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_CPU.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar03.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hair.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shirt.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Cuff.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shorts.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Skin.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerBnk.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\VolumeBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Delete.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Csv.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(4*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarCenter.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(4*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarEdge.Tga (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NavButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Beg.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_2x.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_d4.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Pause.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_1x.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)

134 Menus loaded in 1000 ms; 1530 Items; 1643 Actions; 13 VarRT; 4745 Cfg; 10167 Param

==> Memory needed for menu structures : 934 KB

===> Total Init Time = 2.478 s

WM_SIZE: 1016 x 741

WM_SIZE: 1024 x 768

WM_SIZE: 32 x 32

WM_SIZE: 1024 x 768

Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Court.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

Bitmap(4*4*0)->Tex: .\Data\Textures\CourtLine.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Radius: 759.94

Meshes => NbVertex: 48; NbIndex: 846 (Old NbP:48; loss: 0%)

Bitmap(512*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\MiscSprite\Misc_00.Tga (Format: RgbA)

Bitmap(128*128*256)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Umpire_01.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 114; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 128; Dy; 128; Name: Data\Court07\Umpire_01

Bitmap(128*128*256)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Umpire_00.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 115; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 128; Dy; 128; Name: Data\Court07\Umpire_00

Bitmap(256*128*256)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Crowd_00.Bmp (Format: Pal8)

Bitmap(256*128*256)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Crowd_01.Bmp (Format: Pal8)

Bitmap(256*128*256)->Tex: .\Data\Court07\Crowd_02.Bmp (Format: Pal8)

Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Down_02.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 119; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_02

Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Down_01.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 120; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_01

Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Down_03.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 121; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_03

Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Down_00.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 122; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_00

Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Up_01.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 123; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char02\Up_01

Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Up_02.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 124; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char02\Up_02

Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Up_00.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 125; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char02\Up_00

Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: .\Data\Char02\Up_03.Bmp (Format: A8R8G8B8)

NumTex: 126; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char02\Up_03

Mem available for Textures: 60.9471 MB

=== Exit from Menu Action ===

Mem available for Textures: 60.9487 MB

assert: .\TeTour.Cpp 2650 => hi.Name[0] != 0 || i >= m_NbPlayerHuman

=====> Exit GameSys <=====

NbIniCode = 604 (Max = 2000); Size = 6828 bytes (Max = 20000)

Mem available for Textures: 60.9487 MB

Info: MaxV: 192; MaxI: 288; NbPrim: 79417; AvgV: 10; AvgI: 18; ST::NbMaxEntry: 21; ST::BufLgt: 0

NbVertexShader created on the fly : 7


============================= CRASH ==========================


TennisElbow caused an Access Violation in module TennisElbow.exe at 0073:00477fd2.

Exception handler called in Main Thread.

Error occurred at 12/3/2007 10:47:38.

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, run by felipe.

2 processor(s), type 586.

1265 MBytes physical memory.

Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.


EAX=00000000 CS=0073 EIP=00477fd2 EFLGS=00210246

EBX=ffffffff SS=007b ESP=0034f8e4 EBP=00000000

ECX=6c746954 DS=007b ESI=00000003 FS=0033

EDX=00000001 ES=007b EDI=00000000 GS=003b

Bytes at CS:EIP:

8a 08 83 c0 01 84 c9 75 f7 2b c2 3d 00 02 00 00

Stack dump:

0034f8e4: 00516c60 00000001 00000000 00000002 00000000 000099dc 00000094 4467614e

0034f904: 654c7961 69547466 00656c74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f924: 00000000 4753faeb 00000000 00000002 00000027 0000002f 0000000a 00000003

0034f944: 0000000b 0000006b 00000001 00000150 00000001 00000000 7ef95a81 008be520

0034f964: 00000020 63302e31 65726100 6f6f545c 656d6167 3245545c 00363030 00000000

0034f984: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9a4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9c4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9e4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034faa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fac4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fae4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb64: 00000000 00516c60 0034fc1c 004f0325 00000000 004788dc 009b00e0 00000000

0034fb84: 0034fe00 00000001 0034fb01 ffffffff 00000387 00000000 00000000 bf800000

0034fba4: bf800000 00000000 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64

0034fbc4: 43400000 43200000 44000000 43c00000 004094f0 6e657246 00006863 00000000

0034fbe4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fc04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ee75676 0034fdf4 004f1539

0034fc24: 00000000 00408b09 009b00e0 0034fe38 0000000a 0034fcb8 ae35d0b5 000088ae

0034fc44: 009b00e0 00000001 73727170 77767574 7b7a7978 b7e46944 00000000 87868584

0034fc64: 000011da 009b00e0 0034fe38 001167da c0000000 c0000000 bf800000 bf800000

0034fc84: 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64 c0000000 c0000000

0034fca4: bf800000 bf800000 004094f0 00000000 40b1da00 dffefd00 e3e2e1e0 e7e6e5e4

0034fcc4: ebeae9e8 efeeedec b7e0dff4 0034fd18 7ee40000 0034fcf4 b7cf25bd 00000000

0034fce4: 00000000 0034fd34 7efecb88 00000000 0034fdc4 7efa4bbc 0034fd18 00000001

0034fd04: 2b2a2928 7efa4b6f 0034fef8 7ef9d1d0 00000001 7efecb88 00000000 7ee40000

0034fd24: 0034fdc4 7df9f9fe e0977903 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000008 67666564

0034fd44: 6b6a6968 6f6e6d6c 7efecb88 00000010 00000000 0034fd98 7efb8eaa b7f3a51c

0034fd64: 00000000 004f3f84 00000008 7ffdcc00 00000008 7efa6919 a3a2a1a0 7ef959b4

0034fd84: 7efa180e 0000acd8 0000001c 7ef95a81 009b00dc 7efa2e60 0034fda8 004a29ba

0034fda4: 0052e508 0034fde4 004a1a4c 00000004 004a1a44 ae35d111 ae35d0b9 00000000

0034fdc4: 7efa2e60 009b00e0 0034fdb8 004a4dce 0034fe28 004a2b10 00467e79 0051394c

0034fde4: 00467e99 00000000 00000001 00467e2c 0034fe28 004f1875 00000000 00000000

0034fe04: 004083c9 0034fe38 0000000a ae35d2e1 000088ae 00000001 0034fe70 00000001

0034fe24: 001167da 0034fe60 004f18b5 00000000 00408775 00400000 001167da 0000000a

0034fe44: ae35d285 000088ae 00000001 00000001 ffffffff 0034fe44 0034f45c 0034fef8

0034fe64: 004a2b10 ae537ab5 00000000 0034ff08 0049f3bb 00400000 00000000 001167da

0034fe84: 0000000a ae35d3fd 0049f424 7ffdf000 7ef455ec 00000044 00000000 00000000

0034fea4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fec4: 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000004 00000008 0000000c 0034ff04 0000000a

0034fee4: 00000004 00000000 0049f424 0034fe88 00528c94 0034ff20 004a2b10 ae5329f5

0034ff04: 00000001 0034ffe8 7ee91d11 7ffdf000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff

0034ff24: 7ee52dcc 7ee67040 7ef455ec 00350000 00001000 0034ffe8 7dfe21fe c6394903

0034ff44: 00000001 10012a03 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffc4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ef455ec 00350000

0034ffe4: 00001000 00000000 b7e445f7 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 1253376 bytes - 4738fd03 - file date is 11/12/2007 23:25:26

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\libcurl.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 180224 bytes - 461ce704 - file date is 4/11/2007 11:47:00

c:\windows\system32\avicap32.dll, loaded at 0x7cb30000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\devenum.dll, loaded at 0x7cb40000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x7cb60000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x7ccc0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x7ccd0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\wineoss.drv, loaded at 0x7ccf0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x7cfc0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x7cfe0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\winex11.drv, loaded at 0x7d540000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x7d640000 - 2512 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x7d6a0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x7d740000 - 56792 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x7d800000 - 413976 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x7d8f0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\mpr.dll, loaded at 0x7d940000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x7d960000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll, loaded at 0x7d9a0000 - 2444 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x7d9d0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\lz32.dll, loaded at 0x7da30000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\version.dll, loaded at 0x7da40000 - 2484 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x7da80000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll, loaded at 0x7daa0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x7db10000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dinput.dll, loaded at 0x7dbd0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x7dc00000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x7dc20000 - 284036 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\wined3d.dll, loaded at 0x7e9f0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\d3d8.dll, loaded at 0x7ea90000 - 2456 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x7eac0000 - 2488 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x7eb00000 - 2432 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\user32.dll, loaded at 0x7eba0000 - 56664 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7ee40000 - 427852 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7ef80000 - 2468 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36


============================= CRASH ==========================


TennisElbow caused an Access Violation in module TennisElbow.exe at 0073:00477fd2.

Exception handler called in Main Thread.

Error occurred at 12/3/2007 10:47:40.

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, run by felipe.

2 processor(s), type 586.

1265 MBytes physical memory.

Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.


EAX=00000000 CS=0073 EIP=00477fd2 EFLGS=00210246

EBX=ffffffff SS=007b ESP=0034f8e4 EBP=00000000

ECX=6c746954 DS=007b ESI=00000003 FS=0033

EDX=00000001 ES=007b EDI=00000000 GS=003b

Bytes at CS:EIP:

8a 08 83 c0 01 84 c9 75 f7 2b c2 3d 00 02 00 00

Stack dump:

0034f8e4: 00516c60 00000001 00000000 00000002 00000000 000099dc 00000094 4467614e

0034f904: 654c7961 69547466 00656c74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f924: 00000000 4753faec 00000000 00000002 00000028 0000002f 0000000a 00000003

0034f944: 0000000b 0000006b 00000001 00000150 00000001 00000000 7ef95a81 008be520

0034f964: 00000020 63302e31 65726100 6f6f545c 656d6167 3245545c 00363030 00000000

0034f984: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9a4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9c4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9e4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034faa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fac4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fae4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb64: 00000000 00516c60 0034fc1c 004f0325 00000000 004788dc 009b00e0 00000000

0034fb84: 0034fe00 00000001 0034fb01 ffffffff 00000387 00000000 00000000 bf800000

0034fba4: bf800000 00000000 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64

0034fbc4: 43400000 43200000 44000000 43c00000 004094f0 6e657246 00006863 00000000

0034fbe4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fc04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ee75676 0034fdf4 004f1539

0034fc24: 00000000 00408b09 009b00e0 0034fe38 0000000a 0034fcb8 ae35d051 000088ae

0034fc44: 009b00e0 00000001 73727170 77767574 7b7a7978 b7e41944 00000000 87868584

0034fc64: 000011d5 009b00e0 0034fe38 001167da c0000000 c0000000 bf800000 bf800000

0034fc84: 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64 c0000000 c0000000

0034fca4: bf800000 bf800000 004094f0 00000000 40b1d500 dffefd00 e3e2e1e0 e7e6e5e4

0034fcc4: ebeae9e8 efeeedec b7e08ff4 0034fd18 7ee40000 0034fcf4 b7ced5bd 00000000

0034fce4: 00000000 0034fd34 7efecb88 00000000 0034fdc4 7efa4bbc 0034fd18 00000001

0034fd04: 2b2a2928 7efa4b6f 0034fef8 7ef9d1d0 00000001 7efecb88 00000000 7ee40000

0034fd24: 0034fdc4 7df9f9fe e0977903 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000008 67666564

0034fd44: 6b6a6968 6f6e6d6c 7efecb88 00000010 00000000 0034fd98 7efb8eaa b7f3551c

0034fd64: 00000000 004f3f84 00000008 7ffdcc00 00000008 7efa6919 a3a2a1a0 7ef959b4

0034fd84: 7efa180e 0000acd8 0000001c 7ef95a81 009b00dc 7efa2e60 0034fda8 004a29ba

0034fda4: 0052e508 0034fde4 004a1a4c 00000004 004a1a44 ae35d1f5 ae35d05d 00000000

0034fdc4: 7efa2e60 009b00e0 0034fdb8 004a4dce 0034fe28 004a2b10 00467e79 0051394c

0034fde4: 00467e99 00000000 00000001 00467e2c 0034fe28 004f1875 00000000 00000000

0034fe04: 004083c9 0034fe38 0000000a ae35d205 000088ae 00000001 0034fe70 00000001

0034fe24: 001167da 0034fe60 004f18b5 00000000 00408775 00400000 001167da 0000000a

0034fe44: ae35d261 000088ae 00000001 00000001 ffffffff 0034fe44 0034f45c 0034fef8

0034fe64: 004a2b10 ae537a51 00000000 0034ff08 0049f3bb 00400000 00000000 001167da

0034fe84: 0000000a ae35d319 0049f424 7ffdf000 7ef455ec 00000044 00000000 00000000

0034fea4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fec4: 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000004 00000008 0000000c 0034ff04 0000000a

0034fee4: 00000004 00000000 0049f424 0034fe88 00528c96 0034ff20 004a2b10 ae532911

0034ff04: 00000001 0034ffe8 7ee91d11 7ffdf000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff

0034ff24: 7ee52dcc 7ee67040 7ef455ec 00350000 00001000 0034ffe8 7dfe21fe c6394903

0034ff44: 00000001 10012a03 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffc4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ef455ec 00350000

0034ffe4: 00001000 00000000 b7e3f5f7 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 1253376 bytes - 4738fd03 - file date is 11/12/2007 23:25:26

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\libcurl.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 180224 bytes - 461ce704 - file date is 4/11/2007 11:47:00

c:\windows\system32\avicap32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9f0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\devenum.dll, loaded at 0x7ca00000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x7ca20000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x7cb80000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x7cb90000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x7cbc0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\wineoss.drv, loaded at 0x7cbd0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x7ceb0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\winex11.drv, loaded at 0x7d420000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x7d650000 - 2512 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x7d6a0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x7d750000 - 56792 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x7d800000 - 413976 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x7d8f0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\mpr.dll, loaded at 0x7d940000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x7d960000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll, loaded at 0x7d9b0000 - 2444 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x7d9e0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\lz32.dll, loaded at 0x7da30000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\version.dll, loaded at 0x7da40000 - 2484 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x7da80000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll, loaded at 0x7dab0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x7db10000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dinput.dll, loaded at 0x7dbd0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x7dc00000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x7dc20000 - 284036 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\wined3d.dll, loaded at 0x7e9f0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\d3d8.dll, loaded at 0x7eaa0000 - 2456 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x7eac0000 - 2488 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x7eb10000 - 2432 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\user32.dll, loaded at 0x7eba0000 - 56664 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x7ee40000 - 427852 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7ef80000 - 2468 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36


============================= CRASH ==========================


TennisElbow caused an Access Violation in module TennisElbow.exe at 0073:00477fd2.

Exception handler called in Main Thread.

Error occurred at 12/3/2007 10:48:40.

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, run by felipe.

2 processor(s), type 586.

1265 MBytes physical memory.

Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.


EAX=00000000 CS=0073 EIP=00477fd2 EFLGS=00210246

EBX=ffffffff SS=007b ESP=0034f8e4 EBP=00000000

ECX=6c746954 DS=007b ESI=00000003 FS=0033

EDX=00000001 ES=007b EDI=00000000 GS=003b

Bytes at CS:EIP:

8a 08 83 c0 01 84 c9 75 f7 2b c2 3d 00 02 00 00

Stack dump:

0034f8e4: 00516c60 00000001 00000000 00000002 00000000 000099dc 00000094 4467614e

0034f904: 654c7961 69547466 00656c74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f924: 00000000 4753fb28 00000000 00000002 00000028 00000030 0000000a 00000003

0034f944: 0000000b 0000006b 00000001 00000150 00000001 00000000 7ef95a81 008be520

0034f964: 00000020 63302e31 65726100 6f6f545c 656d6167 3245545c 00363030 00000000

0034f984: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9a4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9c4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034f9e4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fa84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034faa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fac4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fae4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fb64: 00000000 00516c60 0034fc1c 004f0325 00000000 004788dc 009b00e0 00000000

0034fb84: 0034fe00 00000001 0034fb01 ffffffff 00000387 00000000 00000000 bf800000

0034fba4: bf800000 00000000 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64

0034fbc4: 43400000 43200000 44000000 43c00000 004094f0 6e657246 00006863 00000000

0034fbe4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fc04: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ee75676 0034fdf4 004f1539

0034fc24: 00000000 00408b09 009b00e0 0034fe38 0000000a 0034fcb8 d2056758 000088ae

0034fc44: 009b00e0 00000001 73727170 77767574 7b7a7978 b7e66944 00000000 87868584

0034fc64: 00000429 009b00e0 0034fe38 001167da c0000000 c0000000 bf800000 bf800000

0034fc84: 00507f68 0000000a 00cf0000 00000000 00507f5c 00507e64 c0000000 c0000000

0034fca4: bf800000 bf800000 004094f0 00000000 4090a400 dffefd00 e3e2e1e0 e7e6e5e4

0034fcc4: ebeae9e8 efeeedec b7e2dff4 0034fd18 7ee40000 0034fcf4 b7d125bd 00000000

0034fce4: 00000000 0034fd34 7efecb88 00000000 0034fdc4 7efa4bbc 0034fd18 00000001

0034fd04: 2b2a2928 7efa4b6f 0034fef8 7ef9d1d0 00000001 7efecb88 00000000 7ee40000

0034fd24: 0034fdc4 7df9f9fe e0977903 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000008 67666564

0034fd44: 6b6a6968 6f6e6d6c 7efecb88 00000010 00000000 0034fd98 7efb8eaa b7f5a51c

0034fd64: 00000000 004f3f84 00000008 7ffdcc00 00000008 7efa6919 a3a2a1a0 7ef959b4

0034fd84: 7efa180e 0000acd8 0000001c 7ef95a81 009b00dc 7efa2e60 0034fda8 004a29ba

0034fda4: 0052e508 0034fde4 004a1a4c 00000004 004a1a44 d20566fc d2056754 00000000

0034fdc4: 7efa2e60 009b00e0 0034fdb8 004a4dce 0034fe28 004a2b10 00467e79 0051394c

0034fde4: 00467e99 00000000 00000001 00467e2c 0034fe28 004f1875 00000000 00000000

0034fe04: 004083c9 0034fe38 0000000a d205650c 000088ae 00000001 0034fe70 00000001

0034fe24: 001167da 0034fe60 004f18b5 00000000 00408775 00400000 001167da 0000000a

0034fe44: d2056568 000088ae 00000001 00000001 ffffffff 0034fe44 0034f45c 0034fef8

0034fe64: 004a2b10 d263cd58 00000000 0034ff08 0049f3bb 00400000 00000000 001167da

0034fe84: 0000000a d2056410 0049f424 7ffdf000 7ef455ec 00000044 00000000 00000000

0034fea4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034fec4: 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000004 00000008 0000000c 0034ff04 0000000a

0034fee4: 00000004 00000000 0049f424 0034fe88 0013637d 0034ff20 004a2b10 d2639e18

0034ff04: 00000001 0034ffe8 7ee91d11 7ffdf000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff

0034ff24: 7ee52dcc 7ee67040 7ef455ec 00350000 00001000 0034ffe8 7dfe21fe c6394903

0034ff44: 00000001 10012a03 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ff84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0034ffc4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7ef455ec 00350000

0034ffe4: 00001000 00000000 b7e645f7 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\TennisElbow.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 1253376 bytes - 4738fd03 - file date is 11/12/2007 23:25:26

Y:\.wine\drive_c\Arquivos de programas\Tennis Elbow 2006\libcurl.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 180224 bytes - 461ce704 - file date is 4/11/2007 11:47:00

c:\windows\system32\avicap32.dll, loaded at 0x7c9e0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\devenum.dll, loaded at 0x7ca00000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

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c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x7cb90000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

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c:\windows\system32\wineoss.drv, loaded at 0x7cbc0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x7ceb0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\winex11.drv, loaded at 0x7d410000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x7d640000 - 2512 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x7d6a0000 - 0 bytes - 00000000

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c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x7eb00000 - 2432 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:34

c:\windows\system32\user32.dll, loaded at 0x7eba0000 - 56664 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36

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c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x7ef80000 - 2468 bytes - 00000000 - file date is 11/30/2007 14:37:36
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby FilipeMB » 05 Dec 2007, 02:15

I believe I should also post this screenshot.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby manutoo » 05 Dec 2007, 06:52


did the "MultiPass" setting changed anything ?

According to the picture, it's not only the cursor which is problematic, but also the in-game ball and the player sprites..! :?

Is there any way to run a Mac OSX program on Linux ?
Coz the Mac OSX version is using OpenGL so it may run better than the D3D version... :roll:
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby FilipeMB » 05 Dec 2007, 12:03

I have a OSx86 cd (Mac for normal PC) that i can run but I'd have to format my HD and also make my network card and sound card work.
No, the multipass setting didn't change anything.
Is there any way simple to make the windows versions use OpenGL?
Cause I believe Linux and wine use natively OpenGL.
Thank you for helping manutoo. You didn't have to give support to an US unsupported by your application.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby FilipeMB » 05 Dec 2007, 23:44

manutoo wrote:Hello,

did the "MultiPass" setting changed anything ?

According to the picture, it's not only the cursor which is problematic, but also the in-game ball and the player sprites..! :?

Is there any way to run a Mac OSX program on Linux ?
Coz the Mac OSX version is using OpenGL so it may run better than the D3D version... :roll:

I managed to get OSx to work on my pc, so, don't worry about this bug in Wine unless you want to develop support for Tennis Elbow in linux.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby manutoo » 06 Dec 2007, 07:58


I just sent u a PM with the download link for the OpenGL version of TE2006 Windows (which actually is the Mac OSX version for PC ... :P )
Just uncompress it in your TE2006 folder, coz it's only the .Exe and the needed .dll files .

Could you try it on Linux and let me know if it's working better or not ?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Location: France

Postby FilipeMB » 06 Dec 2007, 13:08

manutoo wrote:Hello,

I just sent u a PM with the download link for the OpenGL version of TE2006 Windows (which actually is the Mac OSX version for PC ... :P )
Just uncompress it in your TE2006 folder, coz it's only the .Exe and the needed .dll files .

Could you try it on Linux and let me know if it's working better or not ?

I will try to install Ubuntu (a Linux distro) in my external HD in order to do it.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby FilipeMB » 06 Dec 2007, 20:37

May I post the link you sent me in wine forums? Then somebody else with Linux can try to run it :?:
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

Postby manutoo » 07 Dec 2007, 11:44

humm, ok, but state very clearly that it is a test version ! ;)
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Postby FilipeMB » 08 Dec 2007, 05:46

Good news. I ran TM2006 today in VMWare in mac (because of that problem with 10.4.11 osx) and it ran (sdl version you sent me) when the normal version didnt run.
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
Messages: 33
Gaming Since: 17 Dec 2006, 01:09

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