Cannot play in 3D Real-Time Match

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Cannot play in 3D Real-Time Match

Postby lazar.florinc » 19 Mar 2020, 00:05


I played just the managing part for a little bit more than 10 hours and I wanted to try 3D Real-Time Match. Unfortunately, the controls don't work here. I turned ON the "Manual Player Control" setup. I also configured my controls. It works very well in trainings. Also, in career, if I put the opponent as a human, not CPU, and try to control him, it also works. But if I try to control my own player, it doesn't respond to any controls. I've tried it a couple of hours. No success.

Hope my explanation is understood. If you need any info to help me, please ask. Except of this, the game is very good :D. Congrats!

Re: Cannot play in 3D Real-Time Match

Postby manutoo » 19 Mar 2020, 07:33


how many players are you coaching ? Only one ?

In the match, press F5 to see your player stats, then click on the little controls icon on the bottom left ; there check the controls are correct.

If nothing works, send me a bug report from a match. (HowTo => topic19-4589.php )

PS: thanks. :)
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