How to balance simulated matches?

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How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 09 Sep 2020, 06:52

Hello friends, trying to create some legendary players just for fun, but is TOO MUCH NORMAL upsets in simulated matches, like a lot. Is normal players ranked like 30/40/50 winning GS or other big championships and i really dont think thats realistic, these upsets are not normal in real life.

So, there is anything in modding files that o can change to balance this?

I found something like this:

StressMinDiff = 1000
StressLowering = 1.0 // difference *= StressLowering
StressPow = 5 // difference *= Pow(random[0, 1], StressPow)
//===> Higher Skill -= difference
FormLowering = 0.4 // ratio = FormLowering
FormPow = 6 // ratio *= Pow(random[0, 1], FormPow)
//===> Skill *= 1 - ratio

But i dont know for sure what everything means or even if this got anything to do with what i want.
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 09 Sep 2020, 07:09


are you playing with men or women ? In what year ?

The easiest way to see the top players to win is to raise a bit their power in their RankPerYear. See "RankPerYear" paragraph here : .
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 09 Sep 2020, 07:11

thx for the answer friend, im playing men in 2019/20/21 for now, just testing, but like, tried Djoko for testing with 1 - 1.1 - 1.25 and he keeps loosing GS to players ranked 50/60. Like, a LOT. Not only him, just an example.
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby GameOver6 » 10 Sep 2020, 04:45

I agree . I think there have un problem. He seem there have lot of players with overrated and unbalanced stats. Some players are random stats and unrealistic. It's maybe the reason why there have so much upset. It's worst after 2020 lot of cheated players.
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 10 Sep 2020, 08:36

could you can send me a Bug Report after seeing Djoko lose against a #50 ranked player ? (HowTo => topic19-4589.php )

I have noticed the Concentration & Constancy of the fictional top players could be too low, leading to them having too high technical skills. It'll be fixed in the next update (hopefully before the end of September).
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 11 Sep 2020, 00:45

Sended a bug report now for you, he lost UK Slam to a number 38 as i do not saved my last game that he was knocked off against a #55 rank.

I put like 1.5 to him in 2020 in MOD Files Rank and he still lost A LOT for random guys (there is a limit to this number? Like 1.5 really has more effect than 1.05?

Edit: i think just the simulation is over random, like what you guys said about New Generated players can be real, but in my saves he just lost to random real rank 30/40/50 guys.
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 11 Sep 2020, 08:51

Ouch ouch ouch ! :sweat:

So I simulated 3 times the match vs Sonega at the AO Slam : Djoko lost 3 times in 5 sets.

I then similated 3 times the same match in my current version : Djoko won 3 times in 3 sets..! :shock:

So I guess I have fixed the bug in the last month, but I totally forgot what I did... :blackeye:

It's not related to the skill normalization because both players have the exact same skills in both versions... :thinking:

Anyway, it should work better in the next update (coming hopefully before the end of September). If it's not the case, please let me know so I'll check again what's going on. :fear:
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 11 Sep 2020, 14:40

thx for testing and helping man! but let me ask you something

how can Djoko and Sonega have the same skills? and you said they got the same skills in both versions, but i edited Djoko and he shouldnt got the same skills as Sonega XD
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 12 Sep 2020, 06:06

I meant : Djoko has the same skills in the current official version and the development version. And so does Sonega. ie: the dev version didn't change their skills. :) (I used your Players.ini with both versions)
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 12 Sep 2020, 06:08

manutoo wrote:I meant : Djoko has the same skills in the current official version and the development version. And so does Sonega. ie: the dev version didn't change their skills. :) (I used your Players.ini with both versions)

I understand now man, thx.

I understand that some skills like concentration represent the 'best rank' b y a player, but how other skills like normal technical skills (serving, backhand etc) are balanced? Like, if i want a player to be decente now and VERY GOOD in like 3, 4 years, i put the current skills at the players.ini or the best possible skills for the player career?
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 12 Sep 2020, 21:35

Read here the “Players.ini” section here => .
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 13 Sep 2020, 00:48

manutoo wrote:Read here the “Players.ini” section here => .

sorry if im being dumb, but ive read that and what i cant understand is, if i set a skill to 50 for example, its gonna be 50 based at current rank or best rank? Like a player ranked at 100 in world, if i set service to 50, if he reach like rank 30 the skill is gonna be even better? Or the 50 i put is best value possible of his carreer


NoNormalization = 0 // 0: Default; 1: Take Skills without any Change; 2: Norm on BestRank; 3: Norm on BestYear; 1990-2030 : Norm for that year (if available)

found this in default.ini can you explain to me what will be the difference if i use Norm on BestRank or Norm on BestYear?
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby manutoo » 13 Sep 2020, 06:57

1) Skills will be lowered or raised till the player strength match his RankPerYear goal

2) BestRank uses the BestRank entry, and BestYear actually looks for the best value in RankPerYear.
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Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby g0ldenboy27 » 14 Sep 2020, 16:50

Actually i found a line that really change underdogs winning that often.

LowRank = 1200
MiddleRank = 100
LowNorm = 0.03
MidNorm = 0.4
HighNorm = 0.7
HighPower = 1.5

LowRank = 1200
MiddleRank = 100
LowNorm = 0.03
MidNorm = 0.4
HighNorm = 0.7
HighPower = 1.5

LowRank = 1200
MiddleRank = 100
LowNorm = 0.03
MidNorm = 0.4
HighNorm = 0.7
HighPower = 1.5

LowRank = 1200
MiddleRank = 100
LowNorm = 0.03
MidNorm = 0.4
HighNorm = 0.7
HighPower = 1.5

I lowered the LowNorm, MidNorm and HighNorm and change HighPower from 1.25 to 1.5.

That way in several tests, Grand Slam and Masters upsets really turned into something really rare, the way it is in real life.
tennis enthusiastic
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Gaming Since: 09 Sep 2020, 06:47

Re: How to balance simulated matches?

Postby Volleyguy » 24 Apr 2022, 00:06

These are for simulated matches?
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