Tennis Elbow registration & Internet games

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Tennis Elbow registration & Internet games

Postby Fed_Ex » 08 Nov 2006, 02:38

Hello, 1st thing... awesome game!!!

Me & my brother play this game a lot online (the demo version), so my question is: do we both need to buy the game so we can play on the internet? or we can install it on both computers and play with no problems?

how the registration system works?

Thanks for reading!

Postby manutoo » 08 Nov 2006, 19:08


1st thing : thanks :)

For your case, it depends...
Please send me an email using the form here , then I'll send you an email with the detail of the possible options.
== Mana Games ==

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Location: France

Postby Guest » 10 Nov 2006, 12:38


Glad to hear youre enjoying the game. It is great and its obvious a lot of hard work has gone into it. But if you like it so much you should buy the game regardless! You won't be disappointed as its even better with the full Tour Mode.

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