[TE4] Talents in Online Mode ?

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[TE4] Talents in Online Mode ?

Postby rharm2 » 16 Aug 2020, 15:52

Hi Manu,
another quick q, will all the new talents (spinny backhand etc.) and styles also work in online mode when its available?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: [TE4] Talents in Online Mode ?

Postby manutoo » 18 Aug 2020, 07:54


in theory, the idea is that they should be all available and you could spend a few stars in them in Fair & Realistic modes, and as many stars as you want in Free mode (or maybe an amount determined by the Host).

Although, as all talents won't have the same impact, maybe it'll need a weighting system ; eg: Gold / Silver / Bronze stars ; you get 6 base stars overall, and putting 1 gold star uses 3 base stars, 1 silver = 2, and 1 bronze = 1... Or something like that.

Anyway, for the ITST TE4 Mod (if it comes :blackeye: ), then the Mod creators should be able to do anything they want... :aureola:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: [TE4] Talents in Online Mode ?

Postby rharm2 » 18 Aug 2020, 10:55

Thank you for answering, these add a nice bit of depth to the gameplay that were lacking in TE3, allowing for more calculated and more studying of your opponents in an online setting!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 196
Gaming Since: 25 Feb 2020, 00:32
Location: United Kingdom

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