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Everything about your online tennis matches !

Postby manutoo » 13 Apr 2006, 00:31


thanks to have reported this !
With unstable ping it was very easy to lose synchro, and even with a stable one, it could happen a bit too often...

It's corrected now, you can download the new version :

If you have any trouble again, don't hesitate to let me know !
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Rajaka » 21 Apr 2006, 21:53

how can i get the ping down????

it deppends on what?

Postby manutoo » 23 Apr 2006, 10:11

The ping is the time needed for a packet of information to go to another computer and come back to yours.

It mainly depends of your connection quality, the other computer's connection quality, and the distance between them.

A good adsl connection will be a lot better than a bad one, or than a RTC connection.

There are a few things that can make your ping worst that it should be :
- be sure to turn off all your downloads (including P2P program)
- check your PC doesn't have virus ( free anti-virus : ) or spyware ( free anti-spyware: )

A bit more information on the Wikipedia :
== Mana Games ==

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Postby Guest » 19 Jul 2006, 12:36

Hm, I do not understand something: is it possible for 4 players to play in pairs online, because I was trying to host an online game for 4 human players but all I managed to do was hosting a game in which human and a cpu were playing against human and cpu ?

Postby manutoo » 19 Jul 2006, 12:53


you can play an online game with 4 humans, only if there are 2 human players per PC (ie: 2 on hosting PC, and 2 on joining PC).

No support for 4-PC online game is planned for the moment.
== Mana Games ==

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Postby karlek » 19 Jul 2006, 13:10

Ok, tnx, hope you will add this feature soon...
tennis curious
Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 19 Jul 2006, 12:32

Somebody Asked About Your Game Info

Postby jongfoo » 24 Jul 2006, 18:24

Somebody Asked About Your Game Info...

what am i going to do when this pops up?

Postby manutoo » 24 Jul 2006, 18:31

you have nothing to do ... :)

It just means someone did a list requet and/or ping your game.
And this someone should join your game soon if he can (ie: ping low enough, court good for him, etc..).
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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