Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

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Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

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Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby manutoo » 10 Apr 2024, 08:17


with the Xbox release approaching, I'm wondering if I should do a somewhat decent trailer for the Xbox store page (and the Steam one) instead of having only a gameplay video like currently : https://store.steampowered.com/app/760640 .

Do you have any thoughts about that ? :scratch:
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby sam9795 » 12 Apr 2024, 20:53

petite idée comme on en voit souvent d'ailleurs ca serait avec des images du jeu (petite cinématique) inclure des déclarations positif de journalistes ou de joueurs.
Je vois bien le concept suivant :

Venez découvrir TE4 un jeu de tennis indépendant avec une physique de balle réaliste jamais vu dans un jeu de tennis et son fameux système de MOD communautaire simplifié
(tu inclus des commentaires de joueurs et de journaliste).
Je ne sais pas si tu vois un peu l'idée :scratch: :blackeye:
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby Fed1 » 12 Apr 2024, 22:40

For me it's a hard no, but that's because I don't need a selling point. I love videogames and tennis, this is a tennis simulator so there's no need to convince me.

However, I understand the need for reaching a broader audience, I think a trailer will help for sure.

But the best publicity for the game is it's demo, maybe adding an extra court? I wouldn't know as I tried the demo only once (bought the game after playing for 15 minutes with the demo) so I don't know what it offers right now.

If producing the trailer needs money I think it's a better investment to put that money into the movements animations, but then again, I don't need a selling point.

Hope this helps!
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby Actarus69 » 15 Apr 2024, 11:21

I don't know, frankly, I prefer a demo to a trailer. But I understand that others prefer the trailer. I think this answer of mine doesn't help you much, sorry.
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby jackysoom » 17 Apr 2024, 22:52

Adding a well-crafted trailer for both the Xbox and Steam store pages could enhance visibility and appeal to potential players. A dynamic trailer can showcase key features and gameplay, attracting more attention and potentially boosting sales.
tennis curious
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby manutoo » 25 Apr 2024, 16:56

your post was mostly off-topic, so I answered it there => topic15-35374.php .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby maurisiesh » 06 May 2024, 21:01

Looking at it from both sides it would be good to have a commercial trailer showing all the fun that the game can give (plays, rallies, aces and other situations of a match) in a dynamic way very focused on the casual player and another well elaborated trailer about the physics of the ball, the tournament mode and all the components that make this game special for the most demanding players of simulators.
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby Bus » 08 May 2024, 05:01

I think you should do it. Telling what makes your game so special in the tennis games universe: ultra realistic gameplay, spectacular (and realistic!) speed (NOT LIKE TOP S... sorry, don't write this :D ), you can really play the game of tennis like it's supposed to be played and in all its diversity, complete and realistic career mode, customizable camera, moddable game (some exchanges with famous players in real stadiums will sell it). We are living in a world were too many consumers won't even bother read text. If there's not a video, they will only see pictures, and frankly, Tennis Elbow looks way better in motion :D
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby Algo » 31 May 2024, 00:41

I will answer as if I was new: Absolutely.
I would probably highlight the modding aspect of the game, I know there would be copyright issues around that, but it doesn't need to be "a mod" with everything from real clothes to real names.

Coming from TE 06, not really, I was gonna buy it anyway.
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Re: Would a trailer have made you want to buy TE4 more ?

Postby vldjustin » 14 Aug 2024, 16:35

I just started playing TE4 on Xbox. I found out this game because of the following review video on Youtube:

“Everything WRONG with TOPSPIN 2k25 (2 months later review” of Machete Gaming

So no, a potential good trailer didn’t convinced me to buy TE4.

I was considering buying Topspin 2k25 but then i found this game via this review video. I’am enjoying myself playing it so far!
tennis curious
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Gaming Since: 14 Aug 2024, 16:27

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