Mouse Stuttering

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Mouse Stuttering

Postby chaodck » 03 May 2015, 17:37

Hey Manu! I've been a TEM user for around 8 years now, and I installed it a few months ago and got back to playing after a long time. Thing is, that, since a few weeks, I've been having a mouse stutter, when I'm inside the app window, no matter what the resolution is (tried them all). I can't recall whether this problem has been ever present in this computer or if it just appeared a few weeks ago (I re-installed the game around a month ago). It's really buggy, since it lags a lot and makes the game tough to play, as not only it's hard to pinpoint where you want to go, but also it has a lag effect on the pressing of buttons.
My PC is a i7 @2.40 GHz, with 16 GB RAM and a dual v-card setup with a high end GeForce GTX760M and a lesser Intel Graphics HD 4600.

Thanks in advance.
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2007, 03:06

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 04 May 2015, 11:11


it seems the game framerate is very low. Turn on the FPS in the Misc Options : if normal, it should be around 60. If very low, check your display drivers. Post your System.log so I could check the video init.
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Game Author
Messages: 19126
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby chaodck » 07 May 2015, 17:28

Hey Manu, thanks for replying!
The FPS rate reads 58.7 stable, with jumps to around 100-120, so I think it's normal.

Here's my system.log

Code: Select all
===> GameSys Init <=== (core version: 1.2.00; date: Jan 28 2015, 11:30:30; for: Tennis Elbow Manager 1.0k)
   CpuName: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
   CPU Id: Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 (GenuineIntel)
   Speed: 2394 mhz; RAM: 4095 MB
   OS: Windows 8.1 Single Language v6.3 build #9600 (Unknown)
   DirectX version: 9.0 (0x00090000)
   Connected to Internet : INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN
   .Pak files are Original - No Extra Menu - No Extra Models
   Language = English

=====> Devices init <=====
   Mouse Type: DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE / 1 (Mouse / Mouse)

=====> 3D engine init <=====
   3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.91; date: Oct 13 2014; time: 11:22:11
   DDD - Name: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600; Device: igdumdim32.dll
   Display Device: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
   GM 0: (320 x 200, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 1: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 2: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 3: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 4: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 5: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 6: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 7: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 8: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 9: (1280 x 600, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 10: (1280 x 720, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 11: (1280 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 12: (1280 x 800, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 13: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 14: (1280 x 1024, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 15: (1360 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 16: (1366 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 17: (1400 x 1050, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 18: (1440 x 900, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 19: (1600 x 900, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 20: (1680 x 1050, 32 bits, 60 hz)
   GM 21: (1920 x 1080, 32 bits, 60 hz)
  =========> D3D info <==========
   Mode set to 624x441x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Windowed)
   Mem available for Textures: 1791 MB
   HW Rasterization: Yes; HW TnL: Yes
   Supported patches: NPatches : No; Bezier : No; RT : No
   HW Clipping of TL Vertex : No
   ColorWriteEnable : Yes
   Can render patches efficiently without caching : No
   Z compare func:
      Never:  On
      Less:  On
      Equal:  On
      LessEqual:  On
      Greater:  On
      NotEqual:  On
      GreaterEqual:  On
      Always:  On
   Anti-aliasing => Edge: No
   Z Bias: Yes
   Fog Range: Yes
   Fog PixelTable: Yes
   Fog Vertex: Yes
   W-Fog: Yes
   W-Buffer: No
   HSR without ZBuffer: No
   Poly Z Test: Yes
   MipMap Bias: Yes
   Max PointSize: 256
   Max Anisotropy: 16
   Max MaxActiveLights: 10
   Alpha => Gouraud: Yes; Texture: Yes; Palette: No
   SrcBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
   DstBlend: DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
   ColorOp: Add AddSigned AddSigned2X AddSmooth BlendCurrentAlpha BlendDiffuseAlpha BlendFactorAlpha BlendTextureAlpha BlendTextureAlphaPM BumpEnvMap BumpEnvMapLuminance Disable DotProduct3 Lerp Modulate Modulate2X Modulate4X ModulateAlpha_AddColor ModulateColor_AddAlpha ModulateInvalpha_AddColor ModulateInvColor_AddAlpha MultiplyAdd PreModulate SelectArg1 SelectArg2 Subtract
   TexAddress: Border Clamp IndependentUV Mirror MirrorOnce Wrap
   Texture must be Power of 2: No
   Texture must be square: No
   Volumetric texture: Yes
   Texture size: Min(1, 1); Max(8192, 8192)
   Texture projection: PerPixel
   Max Blend Stages: 8; Max Simultaneous Textures: 8; Max Tex Coord : 8
   Max Texture Repeat: 8192
   Max Texture Aspect Ratio: 8192
   GuardBand from (-16384, -16384) to (16384, 16384)
   Need to strip FVF : No
   VertexShader Version : 1.1
   PixelShader Version : 1.4
   MaxNumber of streams : 16
   Max Vertex Blend Matrices : 4; Max Index : 8
  =========> end of D3D info <==========
   Texture:  A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:  X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
   Texture:    R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
   Texture:  A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:  A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:        A8 08 bits ALPHA
   Texture:        L8 08 bits
   Texture:      A8L8 16 bits ALPHA
   Texture:      A4L4 08 bits ALPHA
   Texture:      V8U8 16 bits Bump
   Texture:    L6V5U5 16 bits Bump
   Texture:  Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump
   Texture:      UYVY -8 bits
   Texture:      YUY2 -8 bits
   Texture:      DXT1 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT2 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT3 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT4 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT5 -8 bits Compressed
   ==> Pal8 Tex:    (null) 00 bits
   ==> RgbX Tex:  X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
   ==> RgbA Tex:  A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
   Linear Fog On
=====> Shaders init <=====
   Validate 0: 1
   Validate 1: 1
   Validate 2: 1
   Validate 3: 1
   Validate 4: 1
   Validate 6: 1
   Load shader file 'SpecialFx\WaterMirror.Shader'
   Load shader file 'Scripts\Global.Shader'
   Load shader file 'Scripts\Fx.Shader'
   Load shader file 'Scripts\HUD.Shader'
   Load shader file 'Scripts\Menu.Shader'
   83 Shaders loaded: 118 stages, 130 TcMod, 41 DeformVertex and 0 AnimMaps
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   DefaultQuad Radius: 1.41421
   Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Back to rendering
   Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

=====> Sound init <=====

===> Tennis Elbow Manager 1.0k Init <=== (version: 1.0k; build: 43; date: Jan 25 2015; time: 15:44:22)

=====> Menu init <=====
   sizeof => item: 276 (224 for GI); menu: 264; action: 12; param = 24; Cfg = 52
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court10.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court11.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court12.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court10s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court11s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court12s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Planning.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Trainer.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Sponsor.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Csv.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(1*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg04.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ClickButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalStand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalTourney.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_PowerBaseliner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Counter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\XpBoost.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\EnergySpending.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Cup3.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar1.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\NewGame.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court04.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court05.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court06.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court07.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court08.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court09.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court10.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court11.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court12.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Shanghai.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\CoachCenter.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court04.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court05.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court06.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court07.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Fitness.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Spa.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow2x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TeYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchBonus.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchBonusSuper.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Training.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Planning.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Sponsor.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Team.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachContract.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchSpeed.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleSpike.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Plane.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchAll.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchNone.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchToggle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStarBg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachRecruit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachCenter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar1Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar2Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar3Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar4Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar2.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar3.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar4.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_FavPartner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Rank.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Age.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Height.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Talent.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_1hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_2hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RoundButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hair.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shirt.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Cuff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shorts.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Skin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourMenNG.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourWomenNG.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\VolumeBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance01wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance02wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance03wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Retire.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Delete.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourWomen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourMen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardSet3.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardSet5.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Training.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Potential.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\PotentialThin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\PotentialThinAdd.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\InjuryBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HireBuy.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Camera.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Major.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Minor.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MotivationBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ConstructionFlag.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   184 Menus loaded in 768 ms; 2351 Items; 2161 Actions; 11 VarRT; 7543 Cfg; 16637 Param
   ==> Memory needed for menu structures : 1480 KB
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Textures\NotFound.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Got: 239 Countries; 8 Travel Zones; 11 Injuries; 15 Sponsors; 13 Objectives; 40 Trainers
   Loaded 'Data\Players.ATP.Ini' with 3488 players
   Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.ATP.Ini' with 16 categories
   Loaded 'Data\Tour.ATP.Ini' with 336 tournaments
   Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1245 KB)
   TournamentDb Size = 6887 KB; CRC = 0x4114F3C3E8DC716C
   NbYearActivePlayerYearTotal = 38961; CRC = 0x9833D3E09646471A
   Loaded 'Data\Players.WTA.Ini' with 3428 players
   Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.WTA.Ini' with 19 categories
   Loaded 'Data\Tour.WTA.Ini' with 331 tournaments
   Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1245 KB)
   TournamentDb Size = 6648 KB; CRC = 0xF5B4D53E59731059
   NbYearActivePlayerYearTotal = 38961; CRC = 0xDE7FA427855F6A4A

Mem for PlayerBnk = 10538 KB (3039); PlayerTour = 1123 KB (324; all career = 1872); Rank2Player = 166 KB; CCoach = 138 KB
   Found 4 Team cup rounds for Men Tour (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1245 KB)
   No Tour Base Modded
Warning: can't find Savefile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager\Profiles\Default/WT_Current.Sav' for WorldTour !!
Warning: can't open save file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager\Profiles\Default/WT_Current.Sav'
==> Starting new game (Diff = 3 ; Female = 0; Year = 2009; Rank = 0)
   ActivePlayerYearTotal = 16048; RankingDb = 6550 KB
   DoRound: week 0, day 7, year 2009
   ===> Total Init Time = 1.867 s
   Mode Reset to (624,441); Pitch: 0
   Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
   Back to rendering
   NbVertexShader created on the fly : 7
   DDD - Name: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600; Device: igdumdim32.dll
   Display Device: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
  =========> D3D info <==========
   Mode set to 1424x861x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Windowed)
   Mem available for Textures: 1787 MB
  =========> end of D3D info <==========
   Texture:  A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:  X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
   Texture:    R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
   Texture:  A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:  A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
   Texture:        A8 08 bits ALPHA
   Texture:        L8 08 bits
   Texture:      A8L8 16 bits ALPHA
   Texture:      A4L4 08 bits ALPHA
   Texture:      V8U8 16 bits Bump
   Texture:    L6V5U5 16 bits Bump
   Texture:  Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump
   Texture:      UYVY -8 bits
   Texture:      YUY2 -8 bits
   Texture:      DXT1 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT2 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT3 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT4 -8 bits Compressed
   Texture:      DXT5 -8 bits Compressed
   ==> Pal8 Tex:    (null) 00 bits
   ==> RgbX Tex:  X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
   ==> RgbA Tex:  A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
   Validate 0: 1
   Validate 1: 1
   Validate 2: 1
   Validate 3: 1
   Validate 4: 1
   Validate 6: 1
   Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
   Linear Fog On
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleSpike.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
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   Bitmap(1*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg04.Tga (Format: Rgb)
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   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TeYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Potential.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\PotentialThin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\PotentialThinAdd.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ConstructionFlag.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court10.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court11.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court12.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court10s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court11s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court12s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Planning.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Trainer.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Sponsor.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Csv.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ClickButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalStand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalTourney.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_PowerBaseliner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Counter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\XpBoost.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\EnergySpending.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Cup3.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar1.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\NewGame.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court04.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court05.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court06.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court07.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court08.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court09.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court10.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court11.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court12.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Shanghai.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\CoachCenter.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court04.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court05.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court06.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Court07.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Fitness.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CoachCenter\CC_Spa.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
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   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
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   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchBonus.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchBonusSuper.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Training.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Planning.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Sponsor.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Team.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachContract.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MatchSpeed.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Plane.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchAll.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchNone.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchToggle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStarBg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachRecruit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachCenter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar1Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar2Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar3Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar4Bg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar2.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar3.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar4.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_FavPartner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Rank.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Age.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Height.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Talent.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_1hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_2hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RoundButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
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   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Delete.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourWomen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourMen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardSet3.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardSet5.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Training.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\InjuryBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HireBuy.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Camera.Tga (Format: Rgb)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Major.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Minor.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MotivationBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
   Back to rendering
   Linear Fog On
   Mem available for Textures: 1782 MB

=====> Exit GameSys <=====
   SectionAdd : 39/256 ; EntryAdd 792/8192
   Mem available for Textures: 1782 MB
   NbIniCode = 811 (Max = 3500); Size = 9789 bytes (Max = 35000)
Info: MaxV: 480; MaxI: 720; NbPrim: 285746; AvgV: 29; AvgI: 50; ST::NbMaxEntry: 26; ST::BufLgt: 0
   NbVertexShader created on the fly : 7
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2007, 03:06

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 08 May 2015, 08:48

Everything seems correct... :thinking:

You get issue even when playing in windowed mode ?

Try to add this line under [Game] in Tennis.ini :
TimePolling = 1
save & launch the game ; if it doesn't change anything, exit, replace 1 by 2, and launch again.
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Messages: 19126
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby chaodck » 08 May 2015, 19:15

No dice mate. Fullscreen and Windowed, it doesn't matter, the same issue happens (even bumping the mouse sensitivity all the way up).

This is my Tennis.ini file, just in case.

Code: Select all
Maximize   =   0
WindowPosX   =   80
WindowPosY   =   37
Width      =   1600       ; Video mode (w+8)
Height      =   900      ; (h+32)
Bits      =   32
RefreshRate   =   60      ; hz
Device      =   1-Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
Window      =   1      ; Window mode; 0 => Fullscreen
MipFilter   =   2      ; 0: none; 1: neareast; 2: trilinear
AnisotropyLevel   =   8
Specular   =   1      ; Specular light On/Off
VSync      =   0
MultiSample   =   1

SaveCorrupted   =   0
ShowWeeklyNews   =   1
AutoWeeklySave   =   1
DrawAfterMatch   =   1
SplitScreen   =   1
NbCourt      =   7
MotionBlur   =   1
Mph      =   0
Profile      =   Default
ProfileStartUp   =   0
Help      =   1
NbPlayers   =   1
DrawFps      =   1
AllowDev   =   0
NoPauseInCPUvsCPU=   0
Language   =   English
EndOfSetStat   =   1
AnnLang      =   -1
GamesPerSet   =   6
TimePolling   =   2

InBrowser   =   0
1stTime      =   0
AspectRatio   =   -1
ForceAspectRatio=   -1
CustomAspect   =   2.35
BoostFps   =   1
DevMode      =   0
T&L      =   2      ; 0->dx6 engine; 1->dx7; 2->dx8
HwSupport   =   2      ; 0->software T&L; 1->mixed; 2->hardware
MultiPass   =   1      ; allow MultiPass when single pass is not possible

DoNotClip   =   0      ; intern flag; optim test
Textures32bits   =   -1      ; -1: auto choose; 0: 16b; 1: 32b

AllowSleep   =   2      ; to avoid the CPU used at 100%
SmoothTime   =   0

View      =   0
Preview      =   0
AutoStart   =   1
ViewTypeRank   =   0
ViewQualif   =   0
ViewCompet   =   2
EnterScore   =   0

[WT_Static]      // static options & param for World Tour
CoachTab   =   0
TeamScroll   =   0
Tour      =   0
WTA      =   1
StartYear   =   2009
Name      =   Marc Limon
NameWTA      =   Emily Bouvier
TrainerFilter   =   0
TrainerScroll   =   0
PlayerTab   =   0
TrainerFilter   =   0
TrainerScroll   =   0
Compet      =   0
Ranking      =   0
Qualif      =   0
MinPtForWildcard=   10
SavePlayerIni   =   0   // Save Players.ini; 1 => basic; 2 => Normalize skills
SortPlayerIni   =   0   // 0: no sort; 1: sort by rank; 2: land then rank; 3: name; 4: WinRatio; 5: bestrank
Norme1st   =   90
Norme100th   =   45
NormeLast   =   5
SaveTourIni   =   0
SortTourIni   =   1   // 0: no sort; 1: sort by week; 2: sort by country code; 3: lower challengers; 4: Type then Week
TourFromHtml   =   0
TourHtmlMask   =   d:\rien\*.html
TourTxt      =   d:\rien\zzz - list.txt
ConfimQualif   =   1
SavCheckNbTrnt   =   1
WaitTimePerGame   =   1.5   // pause time for every game during match
DayByDay   =   0   // break at every day's end
BreakAfterPlane   =   0   // break after plane screen
//RestRate   =   40   // Nb of Form points back each night
SwapSeeds   =   1   // Randomly Swap Seeds spots in the Draws
NoNormalization   =   0   // 0: Default; 1: Take Skills without any Change; 2: Norm on BestRank; 3: Norm on BestYear; 1990-2030 : Norm for that year (if available)
PointByPoint   =   1
WomanServeCoeff   =   0.81

PointClub   =   40
PointJunior   =   30
PointPro   =   20
PointMaster   =   10

[WT_Training]      // every day, Skill = Skill * Dim
DimClub      =   0.9983
DimJunior   =   0.9982
DimPro      =   0.9982
DimMaster   =   0.9981
DimIncredible   =   0.9980
PowSkill   =   0.25

MulSkillClub   =   0.45
MulSkillJunior   =   0.42
MulSkillPro   =   0.39
MulSkillMaster   =   0.36
MulSkillIncred   =   0.33

PotClub      =   100
PotJunior   =   97.5
PotPro      =   95
PotMaster   =   92.5
PotIncredible   =   90

MaxPhysicalDrop   =   0.40
RiskInjuryAdd   =   0.30
TrainTechnicDrop=   0.50
SlowMentalDrop   =   0.60

StressMinDiff   =   1000
StressLowering   =   1.0   // difference *= StressLowering
SurfaceLowering   =   0.2
ConcentrationPow=   0.1
InconstancyMul   =   0.50
InconstancyAdd   =   0.10

MinNbWeekRecruit=   5
MaxDropWeek   =   10
Comission   =   10
ContractLength   =   52   // Number of Weeks for new players' contract

[WorldTour]      // options used to communicate with game engine
WhiteOutfit   =   0
WarningTrainHour=   1
PlayingThisWeek   =   0
AnnLang      =   0
GameType   =   1
NoCorridor   =   0
Attrition   =   0.285714
TieInLastSet   =   1
NbSet      =   1
PlayerCfg   =   3
Court      =   3
SwapEnds   =   0
CountCountry   =   1

; Keys names for >>> FRENCH <<< keyboard
;   ";", ":", "-", "+", "[", "]"
;   "Tild", "*", "!", "m", "%%"
;   "Enter", "Space"
;   "CapsLock", "Tab", "LeftWin", "RightWin", "LeftAlt", "RightAlt",
;   "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right"                       ===>  Arrow Keys
;   "RControl", "LControl", "LShift", "RShift",
;   "Pad0", "Pad1", "Pad2", "Pad3", "Pad4"              \\
;   "Pad5", "Pad6", "Pad7", "Pad8", "Pad9", "Pad/"      || ==> Pad Keys
;   "Pad*", "Pad-", "Pad+", "Pad.", "PadEnter"          //

Up      =   Up
Down      =   Down
Left      =   Left
Right      =       Right
Button1      =   LShift
Button2      =   LControl
Button3      =   RControl
Menu      =   Enter

Up      =       Pad8
Down      =       Pad5
Left      =       Pad4
Right           =       Pad6
Button1      =   Del
Button2      =   PageDown
Button3      =   End
Menu      =   PadEnter

; Button
; AnalogAxeNeg
; AnalogAxePos
; Hat => Left, Right, Up, Down
Button1Value   =   None
Button2Value   =   1
UpNum      =   1
UpType      =   AnalogAxeNeg
UpValue      =   None

DownNum      =   1
DownType   =   AnalogAxePos

LeftNum      =   0
LeftType   =   AnalogAxeNeg

RightNum   =   0
RightType   =   AnalogAxePos

Button1Num   =   1
Button1Type   =   Button
Button2Num   =   0
Button2Type   =   Button
Button3Num   =   3
Button3Type   =   Button
MenuNum      =   2
MenuType   =   Button

UpNum      =   1
UpType      =   AnalogAxeNeg
UpValue      =   None

DownNum      =   1
DownType   =   AnalogAxePos

LeftNum      =   0
LeftType   =   AnalogAxeNeg

RightNum   =   0
RightType   =   AnalogAxePos

Button1Num   =   0
Button1Type   =   Button
Button2Num   =   1
Button2Type   =   Button
Button3Num   =   3
Button3Type   =   Button
MenuNum      =   2
MenuType   =   Button

UpNum      =   1
UpType      =   AnalogAxeNeg
UpValue      =   None

DownNum      =   1
DownType   =   AnalogAxePos

LeftNum      =   0
LeftType   =   AnalogAxeNeg

RightNum   =   0
RightType   =   AnalogAxePos

Button1Num   =   0
Button1Type   =   Button
Button2Num   =   1
Button2Type   =   Button
Button3Num   =   3
Button3Type   =   Button
MenuNum      =   2
MenuType   =   Button

UpNum      =   1
UpType      =   AnalogAxeNeg
UpValue      =   None

DownNum      =   1
DownType   =   AnalogAxePos

LeftNum      =   0
LeftType   =   AnalogAxeNeg

RightNum   =   0
RightType   =   AnalogAxePos

Button1Num   =   0
Button1Type   =   Button
Button2Num   =   1
Button2Type   =   Button
Button3Num   =   3
Button3Type   =   Button
MenuNum      =   2
MenuType   =   Button

[Controller]      ; 0 = Mouse; 1 = Keyb1; 2 = K2; 3 = Joy1; 4 = J2
Player1      =   1
Player2      =   3
Player3      =   2
Player4      =   0
JoyDeadZone   =   0.25
DxJoyDeadZone   =   25
MouseSensibility=   1
MouseFilter   =   0

SoundOn      =   0
SoftwareMixing   =   1
MusicOn      =   0
MusicPath   =   Music
MusicVolume   =   0.375      ; from 0 to 1.0
FxVolume   =   0.875      ; from 0 to 1.0
Frequency   =   22050
NbBits      =   16
Path      =   Sound
PanChange   =   -1

LastVersionCheck=   122
InGame      =   0
Adv      =   1
Tour      =   1
CheckNewVersion   =   1
WheelAxeMode   =   -1   // -1: Auto 0: Off; 1: Relative; 2: Absolute
WheelDeadZone   =   0
ViewColorNum   =   0

I think the problem might be the dual v-cards. I can't choose the nVidia one, only being able to play with the Intel one.
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2007, 03:06

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 09 May 2015, 11:29

Yup the game doesn't see your NVidia ; maybe update its drivers or something like that...
But it should still run correctly on the Intel IGP, it's powerful enough.
== Mana Games ==

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Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby cpraftery » 03 Aug 2015, 17:46

I must admit I've just come on to say I'm having the same issue. Bought a new laptop a few months ago, at first it was fine but in the last update or two the game has become almost intolerably stuttery.

My sistem is almost identical to chaodck (I've the i7-4720HQ processor instead), though my v-card is AMD Radeon R9 - Again it doesn't look like the game is seeing it.

The system.log is showing DirectX version to be 9 (again like chaodck's is), however its up to date with version 11 or so - could this be the potential issue?
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 26 Jun 2014, 20:28

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 04 Aug 2015, 07:42

No, it's normal, the game can see only DX9 at best, as it's not using DX10+ version.

If you disable your Intel IGP (either in Windows or in the BIOS), does the game work better..?
== Mana Games ==

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Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby cpraftery » 04 Aug 2015, 18:40

No, no difference (and it also crashes other games). The game is saying the graphics are now via a Microsoft basic graphics something....

I've gone on the old laptop with a AMD Radeon HD 6320 card and the updated game is OK (theres a tiny tiny stutter, but not really that profound, still, there was none before I updated 30 mins ago).

The new laptop is a Win 8 system, the old one is Win 7. Could that be an issue?
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 26 Jun 2014, 20:28

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 05 Aug 2015, 04:08

It's possible, because Win8 changed some stuff, but I'm not sure.
Mainly, I don't see why DirectX doesn't report your AMD card when requested...

You have done something like this to make games use your AMD card : ... -computer- , right ..?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby jerrydn1821 » 20 Aug 2015, 16:23

manutoo wrote:Yup the game doesn't see your NVidia ; maybe update its drivers or something like that...
But it should still run correctly on the Intel IGP, it's powerful enough.

Hello! I guess I have the same problem. I can't use the NVidia card. How can I fix it?
tennis curious
Messages: 3
Gaming Since: 10 Mar 2015, 17:38

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby cpraftery » 15 Sep 2015, 04:02

manutoo wrote:It's possible, because Win8 changed some stuff, but I'm not sure.
Mainly, I don't see why DirectX doesn't report your AMD card when requested...

You have done something like this to make games use your AMD card : ... -computer- , right ..?

Nope, because I'm not that clever.

Has REALLY improved it. Thanks!
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 26 Jun 2014, 20:28

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby gilekarakter » 09 Dec 2015, 11:31

Hi manutoo, I have the same problem. I have Intel HD 5500 graphics. I've tried everything that was written in previous posts but nothing is working :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 10 Dec 2015, 03:01

if you have Win10, read this message and the following ones : viewtopic.php?p=223508#p223508 .
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Mouse Stuttering

Postby manutoo » 29 May 2016, 12:54

I just upgraded the 3D Engine to DirectX 9 (from DirectX 8). Maybe it'll help with this issue. Thanks to download & install the latest version ( = Build 45) and tell me if it works better or not..?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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