Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version & up

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Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version & up

Postby manutoo » 23 Mar 2009, 10:56


for clarity, I restart a topic for the new recording version available with the Build 30.
Matches recorded with the Build 29 cannot be replayed with the Build 30. (coz of too much small changes in the gameplay)
And in a general way, a match recorded with a Build can be correctly replayed only with this same Build.

Here the explanations again ==>
To turn on recording, open the "Tennis.ini" (or the .ini of your custom profile) and change this line, under [Record], from :
AutoRecord = 0
to :
AutoRecord = 1

You can also set it to :
AutoRecord = 2
In that case, the recording is buffered till the end of the point ; use this option if you get some lag with AutoRecord = 1 .

This will put the records in the subdirectory "Profile\Demos".

Note: if the game is recording the match, then the "Help" menu won't be available anymore from the "In-game" menu (because that menu allows modification of game parameters).

Then, to watch a recorded match, open the "Tennis.ini" (or the .ini of ur custom profile) and change this line, under [Record], from :
//Play = 2009-03-17.12-00 - P.1 vs P.2.dmo
to :
Play = [Name of the Demo File You want to watch]

Note: don't forget to remove the "//" at beginning of the line..!

Then launch the game, and enter either Warmup or Match (the game engine will set it accordingly to the recorded type anyway), and the replaying should be in action..! All menus should still be working, so u can watch stats or leave the game anytime u want...

When you watch a match, you can press :
- F10 : to skip to next point
- left Control + F10 : to skip to next game
- left Shift + F10 : to skip to next set
(sorry it's not possible to rewind now, but maybe I'll add this possibility in the future... You should still be able to watch the point replay, though)

Note: It cannot record a resumed World Tour match, the match has to start from the beginning..!

You are very welcome to post your recorded matches in this topic, especially the online ones (in .zip or .rar to make them as small as possible).

It's likely there are still some issues with the recording/replaying, so if u notice anything, thanks to let me know...

How to post your recorded match in this topic ?
0- zip your recorded file (optional)
1- when replying to this topic, look at bottom of the page for "Upload attachment", and click on it (u have to be a registered member to see this option)
2- locate the file in your HD (usually in "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2009\Profiles\Demos" )
3- click on "Add the file", u're done... :)

EDIT - Replay Note:
You can replay your saved matches only with the same version/Build of the game ; if you try an old version .dmo, it'll likely go out of synchro pretty often, if not all the time..!
Even with the same version, desynch can occur, but it shouldn't be frequent (it's same than desync when playing Online).
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby CC » 23 Mar 2009, 14:39


Does the Help screen still need to be turned off so that it won't appear at the start of each warm-up or match? This is what resolved the problems for me with the previous build, but you didn't mention it in the instructions of this new post.
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby manutoo » 23 Mar 2009, 14:50

CC, if u installed correctly the latest build, the "Help" screen shouldn't pop up anymore when playing a recorded match...
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby CC » 23 Mar 2009, 15:10

OK. That's great! Everyone: don't be stubborn like I was and try to play a match recorded with the previous version -- just to see what will happen. Uhhhhh -- it just may corrupt your profile, which can be frustrating if you don't have a backup :oops: . When will I learn?
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby CC » 24 Mar 2009, 04:13


Somehow the playing of the videos is corrupting my profiles (and this is while playing only build 30 recordings). This just happened after I played the match, 2009-03-23.10-25 - Togtd vs Erona 6-3.dmo, that was posted earlier today. When I then joined an online game, my player had changed to a girl. So, I exited the game, put the "//" in the .ini file, started the game, and went to Warmup. The screen was split, and both players were girls; I don't use split screen, and the Player 2 was normal, but I don't ever play as a girl. I'm going to rebuild my profile from a backup.
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby manutoo » 24 Mar 2009, 13:19

Version Updated : (Build = 30-2009.03.24)
- your players aren't overwritten anymore when watching a replay till the end
- better resync on replay desync (I still don't know if the online desync are correctly handled or not :unsure: )

CC, playing an old replay should do absolutely nothing, as I changed the header so the engine will just ignore it.
And thanks for the bug report, it should be corrected now..! :)
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2009 1.0a

Postby CC » 24 Mar 2009, 18:02


I'm not sure where to post this. Is the latest build number 31? When I have more time later, I will post more details and the video, but there is an issue with the latest release with the way that the score is advanced during the replay of a recorded match. I played the CPU, and everything was fine during the match (except for that lag issue some have mentioned). When I watched the recording, there were multiple times during the replay when she had either advantage or duece on her serve and I hit a ball out or she hit a winner, and I got the point (contrary to what actually happened during the live match). This happened at least three times during one game (the scoreboard advanced wrongly). Once, the game that should have gone to her went to me (as seen on the scoreboard). Also, my video will show the lag that others have mentioned. It seems to be when both players start advancing toward the net in a rally, if I remember correctly. I'll post more later.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2009 1.0a

Postby CC » 24 Mar 2009, 19:18

There isn't a topic for recording with the latest release, so please move this accordingly. This is follow-up to my earlier post. By the way, the playback is a little different each time, so the comments below were correct during at least one of the times that I played the recording:

CC 0 00
P.2 0 15 *
I miss a return (apparently), but the player runs aimlessly across the court (I did not do this).

CC 2 00
P.2 0 00 *
I miss returning a shot from CPU, but my player goes way over to the other side.

CC 2 00
P.2 0 15 *
On second serve, my player stands very near the T to return the serve (I did not do this).

CC 2 00
P.2 0 15*
The crowd applauds before the point has finished.

CC 2 15*
P.2 1 00
You can see some of the "lag" during the match, where the movement becomes it bit delayed and jerky.

CC 3 0
P.2 1 00 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).

CC 3 00
P.2 1 15*
I hit a ball out, but I get the point. P.2 throws her racket, anyway.

CC 3 15
P.2 1 15*
Again, I hit a ball out, but I get the point. P.2 throws her racket, anyway.

3 15
1 15 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).

CC 3 30
P.2 1 15*
P.2 hits a winner, but I get the point.

CC 3 40
P.2 1 30*

After this, the CPU player hit another winner to win this game, but the announcer said that I won it and the score changed to 4-1, showing that I had won the game; also, the scoreboard showed that the scored should have gone to duece, but the scoreboard was wrong throughout this game.

CC 5 0
P.2 1 00 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).

CC 5 0
P.2 1 15 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).

CC 5 30
P.2 1 15 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).

CC 5 30
P.2 1 40
I hit a ball out, but the score goes to Duece.

After this, it goes to Advantage service.
I hit another ball out, and it goes back to Duece (on her serve).

Then, she hits another winner on Advantage service, and it goes back to Duece.

At the end of the replay, the option to make the opponent stronger appears. Why would this happen with replay?

CC 5 40
P.2 1 40 *
My player again stands too far forward on second serve return (and I did not do this during real match).
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby Leena » 24 Mar 2009, 19:36

I unintentionally tried playing a Build 29 replay. It didn't work, but I think it corrupted my profile anyway, as I had [Network] and [3DEngine] added twice for some reason, and it caused problems.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2009 1.0a

Postby Santiago92 » 24 Mar 2009, 21:09

No CC, it's build 30 (2009-03-24), it was a little update.
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby btaylor » 25 Mar 2009, 08:01


Still haven't had time to work with the recording set-up yet, but I did download build #30...
Like you thought, it didn't change the "lag" problem at all... :?

I was wondering if there's any way possible for me to temporarily "turn off" the recording parameters in the .ini in order to see how the latest build functions without it, because as far as I can see, this situation only started happening with Build #29...
Then again, with MY luck, it's probably much more complicated than that... 8-)
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby manutoo » 25 Mar 2009, 10:11

CC, check that ur Build = 30-2009.03.24 ; with it, the score progression should always be identical to what u experienced during the recording, even if there are some desync during the points...
I had a look at your replay, and there's a desync on the very 1st point..! The CPU ended by trying to slice your smash during the recording (the last strike for each point is recorded for checking & prevent some desync), but on replay she's doing a DH-BH... So it means something is different in the initial conditions right on start, thus the many desync during ur match... Hopefully, I'll find someday the conditions that I forget to reestablish on replay... :sweat:

Leena, I'm afraid these [Network] and [3DEngine] aren't related with the replay... :?
I just tried to play an old replay on my PC, and everything went as expected...

btaylor, the recording is off by default, and read the 1st post of this topic if you want to turn it on.
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby CC » 25 Mar 2009, 13:34


Yes. It was with the latest update that I recorded and played the match; so, it is possible for the score progression during the replay to not match that of the actual match. Now I have the Help screen set to appear prior to matches, as you said that this is disabled prior to a replay being watched (and that seems to work); I'll try turning off the Help screen to see if that makes a difference, but I don't think that it will (and you said that it shouldn't matter now).
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby manutoo » 25 Mar 2009, 13:43

Doh..! :sweat:
Yes, the Help screen doesn't make a difference on Replay, but it does on recording... hum hum hum :whistle:
If you change the autopos and/or the Arcade/Simu mode in the help screen (either at start or later), it'll corrupt the recording... So I'll have to turn if off when recording...
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Re: Recording & replaying whole matches : Build 30 version

Postby R.Gasquet » 25 Mar 2009, 19:40

Hey manutoo, apparently Im not able to download the matchs, I took a pic of what comes up when I click on it

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