Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

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Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

Postby lordB » 11 Jun 2019, 00:34

Game used to work fine, I tried to change the screen resolution, now it won't start. Tried reinstalling, cleaning app support files and unity.managamesxxxxxxx. files but nothing would work.

This happens on the steam/macos version.

Re: Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

Postby LordB » 11 Jun 2019, 02:46

I've checked the crash report and apparently there is something with the unity, do you know any workarounds?:

Code: Select all
Thread 14 Crashed:: UnityGfxDeviceWorker
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib           0x00007fff777ac2c6 __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib          0x00007fff77867bf1 pthread_kill + 284
2   libsystem_c.dylib                0x00007fff777166a6 abort + 127
3   libmono.0.dylib                  0x000000010212c2c9 mono_handle_native_sigsegv + 726
4   libmono.0.dylib                  0x0000000102176020 sigabrt_signal_handler + 97
5   libsystem_platform.dylib         0x00007fff7785cb5d _sigtramp + 29
6   ???                              0x0000000000000004 0 + 4
7   libsystem_c.dylib                0x00007fff777166a6 abort + 127
8   libsystem_c.dylib                0x00007fff776df20d __assert_rtn + 324
9   com apple Metal                  0x00007fff5029e68e MTLReportFailure + 567
10  com apple Metal                  0x00007fff502876ff -[MTLSamplerDescriptorInternal setRAddressMode:] + 21
11  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c9dc8b TexturesMetal::GetSampler(TexturesMetal::MetalSampler const&) + 347
12  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c9dea9 TexturesMetal::SetTexture(ShaderType, int, int, TextureID, id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>) + 233
13  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c9047d GfxDeviceMetal::SetTextures(ShaderType, int, GfxTextureParam const*) + 141
14  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100615c90 GpuProgram::ApplyTextureParameters(unsigned char const*, GfxDevice&, ShaderType) + 48
15  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c96369 GpuProgramMetal::ApplyGpuProgram(GpuProgramParameters const&, unsigned char const*) + 233
16  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c90798 GfxDeviceMetal::SetShadersThreadable(GpuProgram**, GpuProgramParameters const**, unsigned char const* const*) + 360
17  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100636e83 GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand(ThreadedStreamBuffer&) + 4819
18  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100c93c1c GfxDeviceWorkerAutoreleasePoolProxy + 60
19  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x000000010063e7f4 GfxDeviceWorker::Run() + 116
20  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100635b0c GfxDeviceWorker::RunGfxDeviceWorker(void*) + 60
21  unity.Mana Games.TennisElbowManager2   0x0000000100adcfaa Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) + 90
22  libsystem_pthread.dylib          0x00007fff778652eb _pthread_body + 126
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib          0x00007fff77868249 _pthread_start + 66
24  libsystem_pthread.dylib          0x00007fff7786440d thread_start + 13

Re: Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

Postby manutoo » 11 Jun 2019, 10:11


apparently Unity (the engine I'm using) completely got crazy when I changed the wrap mode of textures by script, but only on MacOS, as it worked fine on Windows...

It should be ok now. Thanks to your report, I found a little bit faster the bug, although I had quite a hard time on this sneaky one, as Unity log was pointless... :blackeye:
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

Postby lapis-lazuli » 11 Jun 2019, 18:53

I have the same problem the game does not start. I am mac Mojave and buy steam

Re: Game Won't Open (MacOS, Steam)

Postby manutoo » 11 Jun 2019, 19:53

did you Steam download the today's update ? If not, restart Steam.

I just tested again and now it's launching correctly on my Mac while yesterday's version was hanging on start.
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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