how to improve my return game

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

how to improve my return game

Postby gm36 » 12 Jun 2018, 17:30

Hi. I am playing in Pro-10 simulation with avg. autoposition in fair mode.
Until now i was not able to make a break against my opponents.

I have noticed that my returns in general are too weak,
even though i am using the autopos trick and standing far behind the
baseline i have great difficulties in challenging the opponents serve.

The opponent still makes a lot of aces (too much to be real)
The few times i am able to hit a decent return and start a rally
i i can easily win most of the points.
What i have noticed too, is that the rallies are way too short.
Most of the time it is service/forehand or aces.

Do you any further tips to improve my return game?
I would like the gameplay to be more realistic (much longer rallies, less aces):

Re: how to improve my return game

Postby manutoo » 13 Jun 2018, 07:05


to return well, you need top notch reflexes ; if you just don't have them, you may want to lower the CPU serve speed with AiSlowerServer in your Tennis.ini (or your profile .ini if you have created one).

But if you have good reflexes, then maybe you have input lag on your monitor. However, it's not too easy to check that, I'll let you google it... :P
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Re: how to improve my return game

Postby gm16 » 13 Jun 2018, 15:39

I lowered the CPU serce speed in my profile.ini. That helped a lot.

Thanks Manutoo!
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