My Player Career : Taller than 2m ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

My Player Career : Taller than 2m ?

Postby Dzumhur18 » 05 Jun 2018, 17:50

Whether the height of a player in a career can be greater than two meters
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 81
Gaming Since: 16 Apr 2018, 15:07

Re: My Player Career : Taller than 2m ?

Postby manutoo » 11 Jun 2018, 07:43


no, it's not possible.
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Re: My Player Career : Taller than 2m ?

Postby Maxou » 11 Jun 2018, 12:41

YES YOU CAN! :yes:
In my game "PATCH MAXOU ATP 2017"
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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